Category: Uncategorized

  • UMBC CIO Jack Suess interviewed on CyberTalk podcast

    UMBC alumnus Mike Shelah (’95) interviewed UMBC’s CIO Jack Seuss on his CyberTalk podcast about how the University addresses evolving cybersecurity issues and how UMBC uses its students to build a talent pipeline.

  • talk: Model Validation for DARPA DPRIVE

    The UMBC Cyber Defense Lab presents Model Validation for DARPA DPRIVE Ian BlumenfeldUMBC and Two Six Technologies (joint work with Eric Bond, William Harrison, Chris Hathhorn, Paul Li, Matthew Torrence, and Jared Ziegler) 12–1 pm ET, Friday 6 May 2022, via WebEx Commodity hardware description languages (HDLs) like VHDL and Verilog present a challenge from…

  • talk: Iterative Preconditioning for Accelerating Machine Learning Problems, 12-1 4/27

    ArtIAMAS Seminar SeriesCo-organized by UMBC, UMCP, and Army Research Lab Iterative Preconditioning forAccelerating Machine Learning Problems Nikhil Chopra Mechanical Engineering, UMCP 12-1 ET Wed. 27 April 2022, WebEx We study a new approach to accelerating machine learning problems in this talk. The system comprises multiple agents, each with a set of local data points and…

  • talk: Multiphoton quantum networks for applications in quantum technologies,11-12:30 4/26

    Quantum Computing Information Science Colloquium Multiphoton quantum networks forapplications in quantum technologies Vincenzo Tamma Reader in Physics and Founding Director of the Quantum Science & Technology HubUniversity of Portsmouth 11-12:30, Tuesday, April 26, 2022, ITE 325b Multiphoton quantum interference underpins fundamental tests of quantum mechanics and quantum technologies, including applications in quantum computing, quantum sensing, and…

  • UMBC researchers publish book on Cybersecurity & Local Government

    UMBC researchers Donald Norris, Laura Mateczun, and Richard Forno have published a new book on the the risks of cyberattacks that local governments face and how they are addressing them. Their book Cybersecurity and Local Government published by WIley summarizes several years of research and surveys on the issues and practices of city, county, and…

  • Goldwater Scholarship Awarded to UMBC’s Chris Slaughter

    The Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation was established by Congress in 1986 to serve as a living memorial to honor the lifetime work of Senator Barry Goldwater, who served his country for 56 years as a soldier and statesman, including 30 years in the U.S. Senate. This year’s recipient is UMBC’s Chris…

  • Fulbright Award goes to UMBC’s Kaitlyn Keaton

    The Fulbright U.S. Student Program expands perspectives through academic and professional advancement and cross-cultural dialogue. Fulbright creates connections in a complex and changing world. In partnership with more than 140 countries worldwide, the Fulbright U.S. Student Program offers unparalleled opportunities in all academic disciplines to passionate and accomplished graduating college seniors, graduate students, and young…

  • Editor’s Choice

  • talk: Formal Methods Analysis of the Session Binding Proxy Protocol, 12-1 Fri 4/1

    The UMBC Cyber Defense Lab presents A Formal Methods Analysis of the Session Binding Proxy Protocol Kirellos N. Abou Elsaad, UMBC 12-1 pm, Friday, 1 April 2022, via WebEx Proposed by Burgers, Verdult, and Eekelen in 2013, the Session Binding Proxy (SBP) protocol intends to prevent session hijacking by binding the application session to the…

  • talk: CyMOT Cybersecurity Training for Operational Technology in Manufacturing, 12-1 Fri 3/18

    The UMBC Cyber Defense Lab presents CyMOT: Cybersecurity Training forOperational Technology in Manufacturing Nilanjan Banerjee, UMBC CSEE 12-1 pm Friday, 18 March 2022, via WebEx The University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) and MxD Learn, the workforce arm of MxD, seeks to collaboratively build Phase I of CyMOT to address the need for cybersecurity for…