Apply to CRA-W 2016 Grad Cohort Workshop by Nov. 30


CRA-W is now accepting applications for Grad Cohort 2016, a two-day workshop during which participants will learn graduate school survival skills, receive mentoring, and develop networks with senior female computing researchers. This is a great opportunity for female graduate students to build mentoring relationships and develop peer networks to form the foundation of their graduate career and beyond.p

Female graduate students in their first three years are eligible to apply. Reasonable travel expenses, meals, and lodging will be provided for students chosen to participate in this program.

The Grad Cohort 2016 workshop will be held at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront in San Diego, California, on April 15-16, 2016. The application deadline is 30 November 2015. Apply online here and get more information at the Grad Cohort 2016 Workshop site.

