Category: News
Online discussion with NGC: Building the Cyber Workforce, 10am Fri Oct 28
Today’s cybersecurity industry is expected to grow by almost $100 billion dollars by 2020. That means that there will be an unprecedented number of jobs to fill to meet the demand and keep to our economic and national security intact. Job postings for cybersecurity positions have increased 74% in the past five years, with a…
Prof. Anupam Joshi comments on recent DDoS attack on MPT show
CSEE Prof. Anupam Joshi was interviewed on MPT’s Direct Connection about the recent massive distributed denial of service attack that was launched from a botnet from compromised IoT devices. The attack disrupted access to many popular Internet sites, including Twitter, Netflix, Amazon and PayPal. Dr. Joshi discussed the mechanism that used and what can be…
UMBC’s Anthony Johnson appointed to IEEE Corporate Innovation Award Committee
CSEE Professor Anthony Johnson has been appointed by the IEEE to its Corporate Innovation Award Committee. The IEEE Corporate Innovation Award was established in 1985 to recognize outstanding innovation by an organization in an IEEE field of interest. The recipient must be a corporate, governmental, or academic entity working within the fields of interest to…
Tim Finin in the shark tank at AFCEA DC’s Cybersecurity Summit
CSEE faculty member Tim Finin was a judge in the Shark Tank event held at the AFCEA-DC’s 7th Annual Cybersecurity Summit on 11 October 2016. The summit is held each year by the DC chapter of AFCEA, the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association. In the two shark tank session, cyber entrepreneurs presented their ideas…
Undergraduate Research Awards workshop, Noon Wed 10/26
UMBC’s Undergraduate Research Awards provide up to $1,500 to undergraduate students to support their research or creative work with a UMBC faculty mentor on an original project. UMBC students of all years and disciplines are invited to apply, as long as they will remain enrolled at UMBC long enough to complete the proposed work. An…
Pick Your Classes Extravaganza, Noon Wed 10/26 UC312
Registration for the Spring 2017 semester begins on November 1. If you are still unsure what classes you should take, come to the CWIT-sponsored Pick Your Classes event and share your thoughts with other students in your major. Computing and engineering students are invited to join the Center for Women in Technology (CWIT) for their…
talk: Against the Odds: How I Became a Computer Scientist, 4:30pm Tue 10/11, UMBC
Dr. Claudia Pearce, UMBC Alumna and Senior Computer Science Authority at NSA, shares a personal story of perseverance in her educational, research, and career journey as a computer scientist.
talk: Credibility, Privacy and Policing on Online Social Media, 1pm Fri 10/14, UMBC
Prof. Ponnurangam Kumaraguru (IIIT, Delhi) will talk on Credibility, Privacy and Policing on Online Social Media at 1:00pm Friday, 14 October 2016, in ITE 229 at UMBC
π² Immersive Hybrid Reality Lab ribbon cutting, 2-4pm Fri 10/14
UMBC will hold an event to celebrate the opening of the new π² Immersive Hybrid Reality Laboratory from 2:00-4:00pm on Friday, 14 October 2016 in ITE 229
Live webinar on paid internships at NSA and more, 5pm Thr 10/13
NSA will hold a live webinar 5-6pm Thursday October 13 about internships and other opportunities for students. Registration required.