Category: News

  • UMBC CS & CE tenured/tenure track faculty positions for 2019

    CSEE Professor Tinoosh Mohsenin in her laboratory     Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty Positions in CS and CE Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) UMBC’s Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering invites applications for multiple, open rank, tenured/tenure-track positions in Computer Science (CS) and Computer Engineering (CE) to begin…

  • talk: Challenges of Smart Cities Cybersecurity and Privacy with Blockchain, 11am Thr 11/15

    The Challenges of Smart Cities Cybersecurity and Privacy with Blockchain Dr. Jacob Mendel, Tel Aviv University 11:00am Thursday, 15 November 2018, ITE 459, UMBC The last decades have witnessed unprecedented population and urbanization growth with the implication that today, for the first time in human history, more than half of the world’s population lives in…

  • UMBC’s Alan Sherman and colleagues receive over $5M in NSF support for cybersecurity education

    UMBC’s Alan Sherman and colleagues receive over $5M in NSF support for cybersecurity education The National Science Foundation recently awarded Alan Sherman, professor of computer science and electrical engineering (CSEE), and his colleagues, two grants totaling over five million dollars to support students and research at UMBC. Tools to assess learning One of the two…

  • Richard Forno: Threats remain to US voting system – and voters’ perceptions of reality

    As Americans go to the polls, the voting process and the information environment are still not secure. AP Photo/David Goldman Threats remain to US voting system – and voters’ perceptions of reality Richard Forno, University of Maryland, Baltimore County As the 2018 midterms proceed, there are still significant risks to the integrity of the voting…

  • talk: Unbiased Decisions with Biased Data, Nov 14

    Differential Fairness for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Systems: Unbiased Decisions with Biased Data   Prof. James Foulds Information Systems, UMBC 5:30-7:30 14 November 2018 MD-AI Meetup, Emerging Technology Centers, Baltimore With the rising influence of machine learning algorithms on many important aspects of our daily lives, there are growing concerns that biases inherent in…

  • Meet the Staff: Rebecca Dongarra

    Name: Rebecca Dongarra Educational Background: Bachelor of Arts in Biology from St. Mary’s College of Maryland, currently pursuing a master’s degree in Instructional Systems Development through UMBC Hometown: West Friendship, Maryland Current role: Academic Affairs Manager Rebecca moved from the College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences as the Data and Events Coordinator to join CSEE.…

  • Alumni startup at bwtech@UMBC earns unique award for AI work with UMBC research team

    Alumni startup RedShred earns unique award for AI work with UMBC research team The artificial intelligence startup RedShred—cofounded by two UMBC alumni and housed in the bwtech@UMBC incubator—has received a rare Phase II Small Business Innovation Research Award from the National Science Foundation to expand in a new direction, in collaboration with UMBC faculty and…

  • Professional Graduate Programs Open House, Sat. 10/20 (CYBR, DATA, …)

    Professional Graduate Programs Open House, Sat. 10/20 The Fall Open House for UMBC’s Professional Programs (Main Campus offerings) takes place on Saturday, October 20 in the first floor of PAHB from 9:30-11:30am. Students interested in exploring and/or pursuing these graduate programs (degrees and/or certificates) or just want to learn more about these fields are encouraged…

  • UMBC students win top prize at Maryland Cyber Challenge

    Busy teams of students clustered around laptops in a room overlooking Baltimore’s Inner Harbor on Tuesday, focused on solving as many challenges as possible during a “capture-the-flag” style competition. After hours of intense competition in cyberspace, UMBC’s team emerged victorious, named champions of the college division of the 2018 Maryland Cyber Challenge. Started in 2011,…

  • talk: NSF Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Research Workforce Development and Education Programs

    UMBC Information Systems Department Innovations in NSF Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Research Workforce Development and Education Programs Dr. Sushil K. Prasad National Science Foundation 2:00pm Tuesday, 18 September 2018, ITE459, UMBC The National Science Foundation Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (OAC) has growing research and education programs, including programs for early career multidisciplinary faculty such as CAREER and…