Category: In the News

  • Rick Forno comments on CareFirst data breach

    In today's Baltimore Sun, CSEE's Rick Forno offers some early thoughts on yesterday's announced data breach at CareFirst, which affects 1.1 million insurance customers. According to company officials, attackers gained access to names, birth dates, email addresses and insurance identification numbers. However, the database did not include Social Security or credit card numbers, passwords or…

  • Rick Forno discusses cybersecurity on NPR

    Last week, health insurance giant Anthem revealed that the personal information of as many as 80 million customers was stolen by hackers. This news came just days before President Obama announced the creation of a new agency to analyze and counter cyber threats. In this hour, we look at Obama’s cybersecurity agenda, and the cyber-security…

  • Anupam Joshi responds to SOTU remarks on cybersecurity

    Last week President Barack Obama gave his annual State of the Union Address. Not surprisingly, among the things his address touched on was cybersecurity. CSEE’s Professor Anupam Joshi, director of the UMBC Center for Cybersecurity, was one of nine academics invited by The Conversation to give reactions to particular items mention in the address. His…

  • Dr. Rick Forno discusses infrastructure security with SIGNAL magazine

    In the December 2014 issue of AFCEA’s SIGNAL Magazine, CSEE’s Dr. Rick Forno comments on the likelihood of a destructive cyberattack on critical American infrastructure. He was one of several experts discussing US Cyber Command’s worry about such potential incidents and how it might respond. He believes a major cyber attack against critical infrastructure is…

  • Daily Record profiles UMBC's cybersecurity education & training

      UMBC’s Cybersecurity Graduate Program Director Dr. Rick Forno and Homer Minnick, Director of UMBC Training Centers’ Cyber Academy, were featured in a recent Daily Record article examining how local universities support the cybersecurity education and training needs of corporate, military, and intelligence employers. More information: UMBC’s Graduate Cybersecurity Program UMBC Training Centers Cyber Academy

  • Dr. Rick Forno discusses cyberwar on NPR

    In recent days, the United States and China have traded accusations about each nation’s alleged (or actual) espionage activities in cyberspace. Moreover, high-profile events like Stuxnet and recurring high-profile cyber-attacks such as the Target data breach continue to keep ‘cyber’ and cybersecurity issues in the news. Today, CSEE’s Dr. Rick Forno, Cybersecurity GPD and Assistant…

  • Summer internship with Concurrent Technologies Corp., Annapolis Junction

    Concurrent Technologies Corporation ( is trying to fill a internship with an undergrad with good software skills to start as soon as possible in their Annapolis Junction, MD facility. If you meet the qualifications and are interested, please follow the directions at the end of this announcement. — Are you ready to start your career…

  • Dr. Rick Forno discusses data breaches on WEAA

    CSEE’s Dr. Rick Forno, Cybersecurity GPD and Assistant Director of the UMBC Center for Cybersecurity, was a guest on WEAA’s ‘The Marc Steiner Show’ where he joined Dr. Lisa Yeo of Loyola University in discussing cybersecurity issues and best practices in light of recent high-profile data breaches such as those at the University of Maryland,…

  • Prof. Anupam Joshi discusses Target credit/debit card data breach on NBC and ABC news

    Director of the UMBC Center for Cybersecurity and CSEE professor Anupam Joshi discusses the recent breach of credit/debit card data in which Target lost information on 40 million credit and debit cards.

  • UMBC’s Anthony Johnson appointed to NAS committee on atomic, molecular and optical sciences

    CSEE Professor Anthony Johnson has been appointed by the National Research Council to the National Academies’ Committee on Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Sciences. The CAMOS committee’s goals include providing active stewardship of the agenda laid out in the National Academies study Controlling the Quantum World and interacting with and advising U.S. federal agencies on science and…