Category: Education
Professor Matuszek's Research Highlighted in Various News Publications
An ACM CHI paper by CSEE Prof. Cynthia Matuszek on gender bias in online images associated with occupations is in the news.
Freeman Hrabowski on the future of learning
UMBC President Freeman Hrabowski’s CNBC commentary talks about the future of learning, video games, student engagement, diversity and STEAM (STEM+Arts).
The Great Escape: online AI Game programming contest
The Great Escape is an online international multiplayer coding contest being held for 2 weeks from February 6th starting at 12:00 pm EST to February 20th at 5:00 pm EST. The Great Escape will be a thrilling multiplayer Artificial Intelligence Battle, where students will have to: Program the best bot to escape a maze by trapping…
CSEE Faculty Involved With NSF's CS10K Teacher Training Project
UMBC Professor Marie desJardins is collaborating with Maryland educators and researchers in an NSF-funded CS10K Teacher Training Project that seeks to change how computer science is taught in high schools.
Marie desJardins Collaborates with Howard County Parents and Teachers for HowGirlsCode
CSEE’s Marie desJardins recently collaborated with a group of Howard County parents and teachers to create HowGirlsCode, an educational program that “educates and inspires young girls to pursue computer related activities, courses, and careers.” The program–originally called Computer Mania Club–is based out of Fulton Elementary School. Over the course of ten weeks, students meet for weekly two-hour sessions, working…
Marie desJardins discusses CS education on the Kojo Nnamdi show, Noon Tue June 17
UMBC Prof. Marie desJardins joins NSF’s Jan Cuny and’s Pat Yongpradit to discuss ‘Coding and the Computer Science Conundrum’ on the Kojo Nnamdi show, 12:00-1:00pm, Tue, June 17.
Prof. Marie desJardins receives NCWIT Undergraduate Research Mentoring Award
UMBC CSEE professor Marie desJardins has been selected by the National Center for Women & Information Technology as one of four recipients of their 2014 Undergraduate Research Mentoring Award.
Prof. desJardins receives NSF research award for CS education development
UMBC CSEE Professor Marie desJardins received a research award from NSF focused on increasing the expertise of Maryland high school teachers for teaching computer science, with the ultimate goal of increasing the number of computer science classes offered in Maryland and the number and diversity of students taking them.
Computer Science Education group on
Members of the UMBC community are invtied to join a new group for people interested in any or all aspects of computing education, including computer science, computer engineering, information systems, cybersecurity, bioinformatics, etc.