CMSC 291: Continued Computer Science for Non-Majors

New for Fall 2019!

CMSC 291
Continued Computer Science for Non-Majors

This fall, Dr. Susan Mitchell will teach a special topics course designed for all non-computer science, non-computer engineering majors. The 3-credit course will be a continuation and extension of CMSC 201 Computer Science I and taught in the popular Python programming language. The catalog description is:

A continuation of problem solving and programming in the Python language. Emphasis is placed on the solution to more complex programming problems, expanding on the topics of modularity, abstraction, program design, testing, and debugging. The use of Python libraries relevant to non-CS major fields are presented.

Assignments and projects will emphasize topics applicable to many non-CS disciplines, such as data visualization, working with large data sets, and database usage.

The course will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:30am to 12:30pm (Course catalog number 291-01).

Prerequisites:  Completed CMSC 201 with a C or better; completed MATH 150, 151 or 152 with a C or better, OR have MATH test placement into MATH 151, OR have completed MATH 155 with a C or better

This course is restricted to non-computer science, non-computer engineering majors. It does not satisfy any requirement for computer science or computer engineering majors and may not be substituted for CMSC 202 Computer Science II.

For questions, please email Dr. Susan Mitchell at .



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