QuHacks hackathon for high school and middle school students seeks volunteers

Volunteer at hackathon for high school and middle school students

Maryland high school and middle school students who are interested in computing will come to UMBC for an all-day hackathon in the UMBC Commons on Saturday, December 9. The organizers are recruiting UMBC students who would like to help with the hackathon between 9:30am and 6:30pm on the third floor of The Commons in rooms 318, 329, 331 and Skylight lounge..

The hackathon event is run by QuHacks with the support os the UMBC Computer Science Education Club.. QuHacks is an organization created by high school students to organize hackathons with the goal of providing friendly environment for computing education.

Hackathon volunteers will spend part of the day helping participants by answering questions and giving debugging guidance and advice.

Two student volunteers will be “on call” in each room, so should have time to work on their own projects or study for upcoming final exams.

This is a great opportunity if you are interested in computing education or just want to help young students learn about and get involved with computing.

Sign up to help with the UMBC QuHacks hackathon event at http://goo.gl/xEVmnT.

