Data Science MD @ UMBC: Streaming with Heron on Mesos/Aurora Stack, Wed 8/30

This month’s meeting of the Data Science MD Meetup will be held at UMBC’s Technology Center at 6:30-8:45pm on Wednesday, 30 August 2017. The meeting will provide an overview of Heron, a realtime, distributed, fault-tolerant stream processing engine developed by Twitter (and transitioning to Apache) that is fully compatible with Apache Storm. At the meeting, Ron Wilcom of Next Century Corporation will show how Apache Heron works and how you can setup a streaming architecture using Heron, Mesos and Aurora. The meeting is free, but registration is required on the meetup event page.  Most of the Data Science MD meetings fill up quickly, so register early.

The Data Science MD meetup is a gathering of professionals, students, and enthusiasts living and working in the Maryland area to discuss diverse topics related to data science. It aims to have frank discussions on all topics related to the field of data analytics. No subject is too big or too small, as analytics can operate on any scale. The meetup mixes education with practical examples, helping members make the most of their time.


Streaming with Heron on the Mesos/Aurora Stack

Mr. Ron Wilcom, Next Century Corporation

6:30-8:45 Wednesday, 30 August 2017
UMBC Technology Center, 1450 South Rolling Road

This talk explores why streaming analytics should be considered over other types of cloud analytics available today. We take a deep dive into the use of Twitter’s open source Heron streaming framework and how it works within the Mesos/Aurora stack. The configuration and purpose of resource managers (Mesos) and schedulers (Aurora) are discussed along with how to develop a streaming topology using Heron (using Java).

Ron Wilcom is a Chief Engineer at Next Century Corporation with more than 25 years of experience in the industry. He is responsible for providing both technical leadership and project management for real time operational systems. In these roles he guides engineering teams through the full product life cycle of strategic planning, corporate architectures, application development, and production delivery. He applies a wide variety of technology and platform experiences from both commercial and government domains coupled with formal agile process training. Mr. Wilcom earned his degree in Computer Science at Towson University. When not working in technology he enjoys volunteering for community organizations, coaching youth basketball and lacrosse, recreational boating and fishing, and spending quality time with his family.



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