talk: Securing the Cloud: The Need for Quantum Network Security, 11:15am 4/22 UMBC


UMBC Cyber Defense Lab

Securing the Cloud: The Need for Quantum Network Security
Brian Kelley, Senior Member IEEE
Associate Professor of ECE
The University of Texas at San Antonio

11:15am-12:30pm Friday, 22 April 2016, UMBC, ITE 227

A significant trend in cloud data centers virtualization has been the migration away from virtual machines (VMs) with multiple guest operating systems (OS) to containers with a single Host OS. Whereas VMs incorporate a hypervisor manager layer enabling the Host OS to spawn multiple guest OSs, containers support all the code, run-time tools, and system libraries to run workload applications from a single Host OS.

While all cloud-based platforms posses security vulnerabilities, the additional security challenges with container systems stem from the sharing of the Host OS among independent container applications.

In this presentation we pose the question, “Can we use quantum information concepts to protect the cloud?” We introduce Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) protocols. We present schemes for cloud container security based upon concepts drawn from QKD and related concepts in quantum teleportation. We also propose a new framework for Quantum Container Security drawing upon concepts of quantum entanglement. We will also present information the Cloud Academic Research Center at the University of Texas at San Antonio.

Dr. Brian Kelley is Associate Professor of ECE at the University of Texas at San Antonio. He is a leading researcher on communication systems, 4G and 5G cellular, cloud communications, and smart grid communications. He is also a member of the Cloud Academic Center at the University of Texas. Dr. Kelley is currently on sabbatical leave as a consultant with the DoD in Washington D.C. His current research focus is on the intersection of software-defined networks, 5G communications, and cloud systems. He is Senior Member of the IEEE, was an Oak Ridge National Laboratory Summer Faculty Fellow in Quantum Information Science during the summer of 2015, was Globecom 2014 Chair for the High-Level Technical Program Committee, Associate Editor and Editorial Board of IEEE System Journal, 2011-2012, and Associate Editor of Computers & Electrical Engineering, Elsevier, 2008-2011; he founded the San Antonio IEEE Communications and Signal Processing Chapter, in 2008. From 2000-2006, he was Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff at Motorola and a senior lecturer at the University of Texas at Austin. Since 2007, he has been Associate Professor of ECE and Director of the Wireless Next Generation Systems (WiNGS) Lab at the University of Texas at San Antonio. Dr. Kelley received his BSEE from Cornell University and his MS/PhD in EE from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1992, where he was an ONR Fellow. He is a member of Tau Beta Pi and Eta Kappa Nu. Contact: Dr. Brian Kelley, (210) 706-0854

Host: Alan T. Sherman,

The UMBC Cyber Defense Lab meets biweekly Fridays (May 6: Enis Golaszewski, Hash bit sequences)

