Kaizen Capture The Flag event 6:30-11:30 Thur 10/15



Kaizen CTF is this Thursday 10/15/15 in the Commons Skylight Room on Main Campus. The challenges will start at 7:00PM but folks are encouraged to show up as early as 6:30PM to setup your laptop. You will need your laptop and a virtual machine with Kali Linux and don’t forget your power cords because this event will run until 11PM.

If this is the first time you are hearing about this here is a blurb about the event —

“Booz Allen (BAH) is excited to announce Kaizen, a Capture the Flag event designed to build the skills of information security professionals through hands-on, interactive hacking challenges. The challenges represent real world scenarios which cover a wide range of hacking skills, including: web/binary exploitation, forensics, network capture analysis, and ad-hoc scripting. Previously played at Blackhat and ShmooCon, Kaizen was built to challenge participants of all skill levels; so, if you’re experienced and want to sharpen your skills or if you’re new to information security and want a healthy environment to learn then come check out Kaizen. Participants are immersed into an educational and competitive environment where continuous/on-the-fly learning is rewarded.

Kaizen: Japanese word/philosophy for Continuous Learning/Improvement of skills and self, which we feel accurately describes our participants and our mindset.”

To give an accurate head count BAH has asked us to use their website to register — please use your UMBC email to sign up. This website will also be how you view the challenges and submit flags so it is vital to sign up.

If you have any questions at all email Anh Ho () or Julio Valcarcel () with any questions you may have. Also feel free to join us on our Slack (https://umbccd.slack.com).



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