PhD proposal: User Identification in Wireless Networks

Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal

User Identification in Wireless Networks

Christopher Swartz

9:00-11:00pm Friday, 27 February 2015, ITE 325B

Wireless communication using the 802.11 specifications is almost ubiquitous in daily life through an increasing variety of platforms. Traditional identification and authentication mechanisms employed for wireless communication commonly mimic physically connected devices and do not account for the broadcast nature of the medium. Both stationary and mobile devices that users interact with are regularly authenticated using a passphrase, pre-shared key, or an authentication server. Current research requires unfettered access to the user’s platform or information that is not normally volunteered.

We propose a mechanism to verify and validate the identity of 802.11 device users by applying machine learning algorithms. Existing work substantiates the application of machine learning for device identification using Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) hardware and algorithms. This research seeks the refinement of and investigation of features relevant to identifying users. The approach is segmented into three main areas: a data ingest platform, processing, and classification.

Initial research proved that we can properly classify target devices with high precision, recall, and ROC using a sufficiently large real-world data set and a limited set of features. The primary contribution of this work is exploring the development of user identification through data observation. A combination of identifying new features, creating an online system, and limiting user interaction is the objective. We will create a prototype system and test the effectiveness and accuracy of it’s ability to properly identify users.

Committee: Drs. Joshi (Chair/Advisor), Nicholas, Younis, Finin, Pearce, Banerjee



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