MS defense: Bansal on Recoloring Web Pages for CVD

MS Thesis Defense

Recoloring Web Pages For Color Vision Deficiency Users

Vikas Bansal

11:00am Thursday, May 8, 2014, ITE346, UMBC

Color vision begins with the activation cone cells. When one of the cone cells dysfunction, color vision deficiency (CVD) ensues. Due to CVD, users become unable to differentiate as many colors a normal person can. Lack of this ability results in less rich web experience, incomprehension of basic information and thus frustration. Solutions such as carefully choosing colors while designing or recolor web pages for CVD users exist. We first present the improvement in the time complexity of an existing tool SPRWeb to recolor web pages. After that we present our tool which explores the foreground-background relationship between colors in a web page. Using this relationship we propose an algorithm which preserves naturalness, pair-differentiability and subjectivity. In the last part, we add an additional step in to algorithm to ensure that the contrast in the parsed color pairs meets the required W3C guidelines. In evaluation, we found that our algorithm does significantly better in preserving pair-differentiability and produces lower total cost solutions than SPRWeb. Quantitative experimentation of modified algorithm shows that contrast ratio in each replacement pair is more than 4.5 as required for readability.

Committee: Drs. Lina Zhou (co-chair), Tim Finin (ch-chair), Yelena Yesha, Dongsong Zhang



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