CSEE Students Selected as Federal CyberCorps Scholars

Three students in UMBC’s College of Engineering and Information Technology (COEIT) Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering (CSEE) have been selected for major scholarships to pursue studies in cybersecurity-related fields under UMBC’s participation in the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Scholarship for Service (SFS) Federal CyberCorps program. As SFS Scholars, students receive full tuition, fees, annual reimbursement of professional development expenses ($3,000), a nine-month stipend ($20,000 for undergraduates, $25,000 for MS/MPS students, and $30,000 for PhD students) for up to two years (three years for PhD or BS/MS), and assistance with federal cybersecurity internships and career placement. To be eligible for SFS funding, applicants must be full-time students at UMBC committed to cybersecurity-related research and education activities, have an excellent academic record, and not have any significant outside employment obligations.

The first-round awardees for AY14-15 are:

  • Anastasia Raffucci, BS (CMPE)
  • Jackson Schmandt, Ph.D. (CMPE)
  • Brooke Young, BS (CMSC)

These new awardees will join existing UMBC SFS Scholars Oliver Kubik (BS, CMSC), Mary Mathews (PhD, CMSC), Nathan Price, MS (CMPE). Punlada Muangrat BS (IS), Alex Cooke BS (IS), and Denis Danilin MS (IS).

ADDITIONAL SLOTS AVAILABLE! Applications for SFS support for AY14-15 will be accepted through 12PM (noon) on Friday, May 2, 2014 with notice of awards made by May 23, 2014. All levels of study are welcome to apply — however, students must be admitted to (or already enrolled at) UMBC first before applying for SFS. For information about SFS (including application information and instructions) and other US government-related cybersecurity scholarships available, please visit the CISA website.

The CyberCorps program produces highly-qualified professionals to meet the United States government’s increasing need to protect American’s cyber infrastructure. While in the program at UMBC, SFS CyberCorps Scholars participate in special SFS program activities, have opportunities to engage in mentored research opportunities both at UMBC and its partners from industry and government, and must complete a paid summer internship for the federal government. Upon graduation, each student must work for the government (for pay) for one year for each year of scholarship received. CSEE Drs. Alan Sherman and Richard Forno direct the program under a five-year $2.5 million NSF grant received in 2012.

