CMSC town hall meeting, 12-2pm Thur 4/18, ITE456


The CSEE Department will hold a "town hall" meeting for undergraduate COmputer Science (CMSC) majors, minors and other interested students in ITE 456 from 12:00 to 2:00 on Thursday, April 18.

This is an opportunity to interact with your department chair, Professor Gary Carter, the CMSC undergraduate program director Professor Marc Olano and other faculty members. During the meeting you will hear about recent developments in the department and CMSC program, and have opportunities to express opinions, raise issues, make suggestions, ask questions and discuss how to make the CMSC program better. There will also be pizza and drinks.

If you plan on attending, please send an email message to so we can be sure to order enough food. If you have any questions or topics that you would like to raise in advance, send them to . We look forward to a lively and useful event where the communication flows both ways.



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