Computer Science Education Mini-Summit addresses CS Curricula problem

Did you know that Computer Science isn’t a required course in most Maryland High Schools (or colleges for that matter)? For most students, a lack of exposure early on translates to total avoidance once they reach college. For a subject as ubiquitous as computing, it is essential to Maryland's continued success as a technology leader that we make a commitment to improve access to and quality of the computing curriculum across the state.

That’s why the folks behind Computing Education for the 21st Century (CE21) aim to do something about it. One way is through their upcoming Computer Science Education Mini-Summit, to be held August 8, 2012 throughout the Information Technology/Engineering (ITE) Building on UMBC’s main campus.

The free mini-summit invites high school teachers, college professors, and anyone else interested in expanding Computer Science offerings in Maryland high and middle schools to attend. “We hope to explore what is currently being done to increase student interest in computer science and what can be done in the future,” explains the website.

Summit attendees can expect to do the following:

  1. Learn more about computer science high school education across the state of Maryland;
  2. Network with others with an interest in computer science education;
  3. Exchange strategies with other education professionals; and
  4. Plan with others to help expand student interest and to increase the number and diversity of students studying computer science in Maryland.

Take a look at the summit schedule:



ITE 239



ITE 2nd Floor


Welcome & Introductions

ITE 241


Mid-Morning Break

ITE 239


CS4HS Recap

ITE 231


Speaker: Jan Cuny, NSF Program Director

ITE 231


CE21 Mini-Summit Lunch

ITE 237 & 239


Session 1: Snapshot of HS CS in MD

ITE 231


Session 2: Sharing Best CS Education Practices

ITE 237 & 241


Afternoon Refresher Break

ITE 237 & 239


Session 3: Planning the Spring 2013 CE21 Summit

ITE 237 & 241



ITE 231

Those interested in attending must register here. For more information, visit the CE21 website, or contact .