Meet Your Professor: Dr. Cynthia Matuszek, 12-1 Mon 4/15, ITE231

Meet Your Professor: Dr. Cynthia Matuszek

On April 15th, come join the Computer Science Education Club for the third installment of its Spring 2019 Meet Your Professor series featuring Dr. Cynthia Matuszek. The Meet Your Professor events provide students with the opportunity to learn more about their professors, including how they achieved their position, what they believe makes an effective teacher, what research they conduct, and more!

Dr. Matuszek’s areas of research include robotics, natural language processing, human-robot interaction, and artificial intelligence. At UMBC she heads the Interactive Robotics and Language lab She has taught courses in robotics, artificial intelligence, advanced AI, human-robot interaction, and ethics in computing.

If you want to learn from Dr. Matuszek’s experience in academia, come to ITE 231 on April 15th from 12pm-12:50pm.



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