IBM Watson Cloud Academy Workshop, 9-5 May 3

IBM Cloud Academy Workshop

9am-5pm Friday, May 3, 2019

UMBC will host an all-day IBM Watson Cloud Academy Workshop 9am-5pm on May 3 taught by Prof. Anand Singh of NCSU. All faculty, students and staff are welcome to attend. We also welcome government and industry partners. Register for the free workshop here.

The workshop will provide hands-on training on many of the IBM Watson, analytics and IoT cloud services that can be used in support of a wide-range of AI/cognitive-based research projects and curricula. It will also provide use cases of many typical biomedical, engineering and other problems that can be solved using these technologies.

The workshop will end with a project planning clinic, whereby faculty can discuss proposed projects. To prepare for this hands-on workshop, participants should obtain a free IBM Cloud trial accounts and review the educational modules/material as outlined below:

  • Obtain a free IBM Cloud trial account (that will provide you with free access to a subset of Watson services).
  • Click on Watson and then select Cloud Access and then follow the directions to get your free account.
  • Go to the free Educator Guides page
  • Review the material for the “Updated Watson Education Guide” and complete the Lab and Exercises.
  • Go to the Watson Academic Engagement page and go through the “Application Starter Kit”, “API Documentation,” and “Watson on Github” and other material there.
  • Go to the IBM Watson Academy page and go through the material under “IBM Watson and Cloud Platform”, especially material on NLP, Dialog, Assistant, Discovery and Watson Knowledge Studios.

Register for the free workshop here.



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