Meet Your Professor: Dr. Frank Ferraro, 12-1 Mon 3/25, ITE 239

Prof. Ferraro’s teaching and research areas include AI, language understanding and machine learning

Meet Your Professor: Dr. Frank Ferraro

Find out about Machine Learning and NLP classes

2:00-1:00 Monday, 25 March 2019, ITE 239

Next Monday, March 25th, join the Computer Science Education Club for its second installment of the “Meet Your Professor” Spring 2019 series featuring Professor Frank Ferraro. The series provides students with the opportunity to learn more about their professors, including how they achieved their position, what they believe makes an effective teacher, what research they conduct, and more.

Dr. Ferraro is currently teaching CMSC 678, Introduction to Machine Learning. In the past, Dr. Ferraro has also taught Natural Language Processing (CMSC 473/673) and CMSC 871, Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence. Beside NLP, Machine Learning, and AI, Dr. Ferraro also has research experience in semantics, computer vision and language processing.

If you are interested in learning from Dr. Ferraro’s teaching and research experience, stop by ITE 239 on Monday, March 25th at 12pm. Light refreshments will be provided. RSVP here.

