Game Development Workshop, 12-1pm Fri 12/7

The mobile game Deliverance by UMBC student Paul Tschirgi ’15, visual arts.


Game Development Workshop

12-1:00pm Friday, 7 December 2018, ENGR 002


Join HackUMBC and CWIT for a Game Development Workshop, facilitated by Prof. Marc Olano. This workshop will focus on various facets of research and practice in the games industry, the kinds of skills required, and how programmers fit in.  All are welcome — women in COEIT are strongly encouraged to attend!

  • Lunch will be served
  • Google swag bags for first 20 students to arrive!
  • Participants are encouraged to bring a laptop computer
  • Funded in part by a Google exploreCSR grant

Please RSVP on the myUMBC event page to let us know you are attending.




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