talk: John Kloetzli, DirectX 11 Software Tessellation, 11/13


The UMBC CSEE Seminar Series Presents

DirectX 11 Software Tessellation

John Kloetzli, Firaxis Games

12noon-1pm, Friday, November 13, 2015 ITE 102

Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) have become increasingly important in general purpose high performance computing, both because of the enormous computing power of these highly parallel processors as well as the evolution of general purpose software APIs that provide a domain-independent software environment. Graphics applications are also being redesigned to take advantage of this general GPU access, both for design of new algorithms as well as optimization and specialization of existing ones. This talk will explore how having access to the general purpose compute API in DirectX 11 allows us to design a tessellation algorithm for a specific use case that has superior performance and quality to the fixed-function tessellation hardware.

John Kloetzli is a graphics programmer at Firaxis Games. He is an alumnus of UMBC, having received a BS in 2006 majoring in Computer Science with a minor in both Mathematics and Philosophy, and a MS in Computer Science in 2008. He has worked at Firaxis since 2006 and is part of the team that produces the popular Civilization game series.

Hosts: Professors Fow-Sen Choa () and Alan T. Sherman ()



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