Council of Computing Majors to meet 12-1 Mon, Oct 21 in ADMIN 101

The UMBC Council of Computing Majors (CCM) will meet from Noon to 1:00pm on Monday, October 21 in room 101 in the Administration building. CCM is a student organization representing undergraduate computer science and computer engineering majors and anyone else with an interest in computing. Everyone is welcome.

At next week’s meeting, Austin Murdock will give an overview of Raspberry Pi and Arduino technology and lead a discussion about possible CCM group projects involving them.

The Raspberry Pi is an inexpensive, credit-card-sized single-board computer that runs Linux and Arduino is a single-board microcontroller used to make using electronics in multidisciplinary projects more accessible. Their low cost, size and power requirements make them ideal for building novel embedded applications in a familiar Linux environment using open source software.
