MS defense: Multicast Routing with Byzantine Robustness, D. Mukherjee, 2:30 7/23

network cables

Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
MS Thesis Defense

Multicast Routing with Byzantine Robustness

Debdatta Mukherjee

2:30-4:30 Tuesday, july 23, 2013, ITE 346

Network problems arise when nodes behave in arbitrary ways such as sending malformed messages, sending incorrect messages or not forwarding messages at all to other nodes in the network. These faults are called Byzantine failures. In a real network, these faults can be a result of hardware failure, cyber-attacks or network congestion. Due to the serious problems these faults can cause, it becomes important to make the network robust against them, so that the network continues to operate properly or degrades in an acceptable way in the presence of such faults. In this thesis, we propose methods that include multiple node disjoint path calculations and robust flooding to find byzantine-free multicast trees. By finding such trees, we can guarantee the delivery of the messages from a source to a particular multicast group.

Committee: Professors Deepinder Sidhu (chair), Kostas Kalpakis and Sergei Nirenburg



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