Xianshu Zhu (CS, Ph.D.) wins best student paper award at IEEE conference

Congratulations to Xianshu Zhu (CS, Ph.D.), who won the best student paper award at the 13th IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration.

The conference, which took place last weekend in Las Vegas, is a forum to discuss how we can maximize the reuse of information with the creation of simple, rich, and reusable knowledge representations.

Xianshu’s paper, “Finding Story Chain in Newswire Articles”, seeks to do just that through a proposed walk based algorithm that can be used to find news story chains on the internet. The algorithm sifts through the huge and hard to navigate database of news articles on the internet, resulting in a simple way to track the evolution of a news story, without redundant articles.

Xianshu’s areas of study include data mining, text mining, information retrieval. The paper is closely tied to the research she’s doing for her Ph.D. thesis (advised by Professor Tim Oates), which she plans on finishing up in May 2013.



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