, for all your gaming news needs

If you're interested in what's going on in Baltimore's gaming scene, check out

The site covers local gaming events in the Baltimore and D.C. area, as well as developments in the game industry, and career tips for aspiring video game developers. The site also includes features articles, like its three-part series called "So You want to Build a Video Game: A Guide to Get You Started."

The site welcomes local game enthusiasts to join their team. "Joining the BaltimoreGamer team is a fantastic opportunity to network within the game development industry," says the website. "We can utilize a wide variety of skills, and we will also help you learn new skills if you would like and we are able."

For those of you who always show up at local LAN parties, game conventions, tournaments, or other video-game related events, writing for the website might be a great chance to share your experiences with the world wide web.



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