Google introduces the Dart web programming language


Google unveiled its new web programming language Dart today. It's described as a "class-based optionally typed programming language for building web applications". Dart has a native virtual machine and can also be compiled into JavaScript, allowing it to run on current browser. Google says it it exploring adding the Dart virtual machine to the Chrome Browser.

Dart's syntax is familiar, if boring, making it easy for current programmers to adapt.

main() {
  var name = 'World';
  print('Hello, $name!');

The source code for the Dart to javascript compiler as well as examples and tools is available online in the Dart Google Code Site.

Google hopes that Dart will replace JavaScript as the main built-in scripting language in web browsers. The design goals for the new language are said to include fixing many of Javascript's flaws, better performance, better support for large-scale projects" and improved security features.

WIle Dart doesn't push the programming language envelope, it looks like a welcome improvement over Javascript.




