Considering graduate school in a computing field?

UMBC Ph.D. student Robert Holder presents his dissertation research.

The Computing Community Consortium has a new web site for undergraduates in computing fields hoping to learn more about doing research, summer research opportunities, and the process for applying to graduate school. The website contains:

  • A section on what graduate school in computer science is all about, including frequently asked questions with answers by current graduate students and faculty
  • Information, advice, and insights on how to apply to graduate school in computer science including a FAQ by students who have just been through the process as well as faculty
  • A set of pages with information on undergraduate research and summer research positions nationwide.

It's a good resource if you want to get involved in research and/or considering going on to graduate school. If you are interested in grad school and graduating this Spring, now is the time to start thinking about it. A way to start is by talking with your adviser.



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