Tag: graphics

  • Dessert & Discussion with Marc Olano, 6:30pm Thr 2/24, UC 310

    From Pong to Halo: The Making of a Game Marc Olano, 6:30-8:00pm Thursday, 24 February 2011, UC 310 Sure you know how to play video games, but have you ever wondered what goes into creating one? Gaming is a multi-billion dollar, world-wide industry and there are increasing opportunities for new ideas. With the growing popularity…

  • Luebke: GPU Computing: Past, Present and Future, 1pm Fri Feb 4, ITE227

    Computer Science and Electrical Engineering University of Maryland, Baltimore County GPU Computing: Past, Present, and Future Dr. David Luebke Director of Research, NVIDIA Corporation 1:00-2:15pm Friday, 4 February 2011, ITE 227 Modern GPUs have outgrown their graphics heritage in many ways to emerge as the world's most successful parallel computing architecture. The GPUs that consumers…