About ♦ Resources
For any support you may contact class TAs for tutoring. You may also contact UMBC Academic Success Center that provides centralized support services to all undergraduate students at UMBC. Through a coordinated approach and an unwavering commitment to student success, the Academic Success Center fosters a welcoming environment that provides a one-stop opportunity through Academic Policy, Academic Resources, and Academic Advocacy for students to achieve their academic goals and claim their future with a UMBC degree.
New Students
- Resources for New Students – A guide designed specifically for new students. Covers topics such as Account Basics, UNIX Basics, Text Editors, and where to go to for Help.
Linux & UNIX
- Basic UNIX Commands – This is a very basic page of UNIX commands, such as how to copy, rename, delete, list contents of directories,chage directories, print files, display files, change your password, get additional help using the man pages, and more.
General Unix Help
- Submit Documentation – Describes the submit utility used for project submission in many CS/CE courses.
Documentation / Tutorials
- A List of Free Online Unix Training Materials compiled by Daniel Kegel of Ixia Communications.
emacs & xemacs
- Official GNU emacs Manual
- Official XEmacs Documentation
- Overview of emacs/xemacs
- Basic emacs reference card
- Extensive emacs reference card
- Official GCC Manual
- An Introduction to GCC – a free online book
- A Common Error made when using makefiles.
- Make Online Manual at GNU.org
gdb & ddd
- Complete Listing of Online Manuals at gnu.org