Category: Undergraduate
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship applications due Oct. 27
Applications for the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program are due October 27.
HueBots game created by UMBC students now on Steam Baltimore reports that the HueBots robot-building game made by a four UMBC students has been added to the PC game platform Steam. “HueBots is a deceptively challenging top-down puzzle game. You control a team of colorful robots that will only interact with objects that match their color; they will also keep moving in one…
Nielsen Audio Data Science Day event, Thr. June 25
Nielsen Audio invites students and faculty to attend a Data Science event 11-2:30 Thursday June 25 at their Columbia MD headquarters
UMBC Game Developers Club Summer Game Jam, 5-7 June 2015
The UMBC Game Developers Club will hold its annual Summer Game Jam Friday, June 5 to Sunday June 7 in the GAIM lab in Engineering 005. The game jam theme is Art and Code out of a Hat. There will be one "hat" from which a team will pull three random art assets, and another "hat"…
Opportunity for students to attend cybersecurity conference at JHU/APL June 17
The GovConnect conference seeks college sophomores, juniors and seniors interested in cybersecurity to apply for free admission to its showcase event on June 17, 2015 at JHU/APL.
Freeman Hrabowski on the future of learning
UMBC President Freeman Hrabowski’s CNBC commentary talks about the future of learning, video games, student engagement, diversity and STEAM (STEM+Arts).
CSEE Hi Tea, 3:00pm Friday, 3 April 2015 😀
UMBC ACM Student Chapter invites you to Hi Tea this week, 3-4pm Friday, April 3.
Graduate Research Conference Program (GRC) on Wed. 3/25
UMBC’s Graduate Research Conference Program (GRC) will be held on campus on Wednesday, March 25, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. There will be a variety of presentations for faculty and students (both graduate and undergraduate). Featured events include professional development workshops, a keynote panel, and a research information fair. Twenty-eight CSEE graduate students will describe their research in oral…
UMBC Places 3rd at MHacks
Two of UMBC’s regular hackathon participants took 3rd place at MHacks, a competitive 1000 student hackathon at the University of Michigan this past weekend! CSEE students Michael Bishoff (President, HackUMBC) and Sekar Kulandaivel created a haptic feedback suit that makes virtual reality more immersive. To do this, the team created 12 vibrating modules that are…
JHU Summer Research Expeditions in Computational Sciences
The JHU Summer Research Expeditions in Computational Sciences, Systems and Engineering program is an intensive, ten-week program to help undergraduates immerse themselves in research and taste the excitement of inventing. Participants will be part of a research team, including one or more JHU CS faculty and/or graduate student mentors and will be expected to make…