Category: Undergraduate
JOB: Summer research experience for undergrads in cybersecurity and privacy
The TRUST Research Experiences for Undergraduates (TRUST REU) is a nine-week summer program in Cybersecurity, Privacy and Trustworthy Systems, was established to promote access to graduate education among undergraduates who have been educationally or economically disadvantaged and who may not have exposure to the academic environment of a research university. The goal of the TRUST…
JOB: Summer Internships at NIST in MD and Colorado
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is looking for students for its paid Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF.) SURF offers students in STEM fields PAID summer research under the guidance of one NIST's scientists and engineers. The 11-week program at NIST's Gaithersburg, MD campus is May 23 through August 9. There is also…
ACM talk: Cloud based Active Archiving Solution for Databases, 2:30pm Fri 11/30
In the second talk of the UMBC ACM Student Chapter’s Tech Talk Series, ACM Distinguished Speaker Dr. Mukesh Mohania will visit UMBC and talk about “Cloud based Active Archiving Solution for Databases” at 2:30pm on Friday, 30 November in Lecture Hall 8 at UMBC.
Making the Abstract Approachable: Teaching innovation in UMBC's CSEE Department
Making the Abstract Approachable How UMBC's Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department is using innovative teaching techniques to engage and inspire undergraduates. Gone are the days of stuffy lectures and drowsy students. At least, this is true of UMBC’s Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department, where hands-on labs, industry simulations, new teaching methods, honors courses,…
CMPE Undergraduate Townhall Meeting, 10/19, 11:30
A CMPE Undergraduate Townhall Meeting will be held this Friday October, 19th from 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM in ITE 459. Please let your instructor in any undergraduate class know if you will be attending by Tues October,16th. We will be discussing course scheduling, BS/MS program, faculty research areas, undergraduate student participation in research…
Join the UMBC ACM Student Chapter
The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) is the world’s largest educational and scientific computing society. UMBC has an active ACM student chapter that is open to all UMBC undergraduate and graduate students of any major. While you do not need to join ACM to be a part of the local chapter, the annual membership dues…
Dive into UMBC's sea of extracurricular activities during Involvement Fest
**Involvement Fest has been postponed until Monday, September 10th, due to the rain** "Pirates" is the theme of this year's Involvement Fest, which takes place Monday, September 10th from 12-3 p.m. on the Quad. For Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Electrical Engineering majors ready to dive into UMBC's vast sea of extracurricular activities, there will…
Introducing the inagural batch of T-SITE scholars
Photo: The Retriever Weekly This August, UMBC welcomed its inagural batch of Transfer Scholars in Information Technology and Engineering (T-SITE) Scholars (pictured above). The brainchild of a team of seven women sprinkled throughout IT and Engineering departments in the College of Engineering and Information Technology at UMBC, the T-SITE scholarship program offers support–financial and otherwise–to…
All students invited to Office of Undergraduate Education Open House
This Friday, August 31, new and returning students are invited to the Office of Undergraduate Education's Open House. Held from Noon to 2 p.m. in the Academic IV Building (Room 114), the event is a chance to talk about First Year Seminars, The New Student Book Experience, Undergraduate Research, and an Introduction to an Honors…