Category: Teaching Innovation

  • App-ademics: Dr. Banerjee's Intro to Mobile Computing course teaches Smartphone app development

    Word count: 0 Last edited by anissa1 on February 18, 2013 at 7:03 pm Preview Status: Draft Edit Visibility: Public Edit Publish immediately Edit Move to Trash All Categories Most Used Faculty and staff Teaching Innovation Alumni Articles Baltimore Chair’s notes CSEE Computer Engineering Computer Science Cybersecurity Electrical Engineering Engineering Management Game track Systems Engineering…

  • Dr. desJardins and team win Hrabowski Innovation grant for ACTIVE

    It was a case of lab envy that inspired professor Marie desJardins to dream up ACTIVE, the new dynamic laptop lab that will sprout up in the Engineering/Computer Science building next fall. The culprit? CASTLE, the Active Science Teaching and Learning Environment created by the College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences in 2010 (pictured below).…

  • talk: Reinventing the Classroom, Harry Lewis, Noon Fri 3/1

    Noon Fri 3/1: Professor Harry Lewis of Harvard will talk about his experiences in flipping the classroom at Noon on Friday, March 1, 2013 in room 456 if the ITE building at UMBC.

  • Making the Abstract Approachable: Teaching innovation in UMBC's CSEE Department

    Making the Abstract Approachable How UMBC's Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department is using innovative teaching techniques to engage and inspire undergraduates. Gone are the days of stuffy lectures and drowsy students. At least, this is true of UMBC’s Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department, where hands-on labs, industry simulations, new teaching methods, honors courses,…

  • Teaching Innovation: Senior Game Project

    Course: CMSC 493: Senior Game Project Professor: Marc Olano, CSEE Associate Professor Course Description: The computer games capstone course is designed to allow students completing the computer science games track to engage in a complete group project development experience. This will help them to integrate the various technical concepts they have learned in earlier courses.…

  • Teaching Innovation: Intro to Engineering Science

    Course: ENES 101: Introduction to Engineering Science Professor: Chuck Laberge, CSEE Professor of the Practice Anne Spence, Mechanical Engineering Professor of the Practice Course Description: This is the first engineering experience for engineering majors when they arrive on campus. This course meets for two 50 minute lecture periods and one-two hour lab period each week.…