Category: Students

  • Demos: Designing & developing effective mobile applications, 4-5pm Tue 5/15

    Image by Marlayna Demond ’11 for UMBC   Demos: Designing & developing effective mobile applications UMBC students will demonstrate collaborative mobile computing projects developed in integrated classes offered by Computer Science and Fine Arts. The demonstrations will take place from 4:00 to 5:00pm on Tuesday, 15 May 2018 in the main 3rd floor hallway of…

  • UMBC CSEE research symposium, 9-5 Friday May 4, South Campus

      CSEE research symposium, 9-5 Fri. May 4, South Campus The UMBC student chapters for ACM and IEEE are jointly organizing a one-day research symposium on Computer and Electrical Systems that will be held at bwtech@UMBC’s South Campus from 9 to 5 on Friday, May 4, 2018. Refreshments and lunch will be provided. The day…

  • 2018 Mid-Atlantic Student Colloquium on Speech, Language and Learning

    2018 Mid-Atlantic Student Colloquium on Speech, Language and Learning The 2018 Mid-Atlantic Student Colloquium on Speech, Language and Learning (MASC-SLL) is a student-run, one-day event on speech, language & machine learning research to be held at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County  (UMBC) from 10:00am to 6:00pm on Saturday May 12.  There is no registration charge…

  • Stephanie Milani named Newman Civic Fellow for expanding access to computer science education

    Stephanie Milani named Newman Civic Fellow for expanding access to computer science education When Stephanie Milani ‘19, computer science and psychology, attended an all-girls robotics camp as a middle school student she realized that she found computer science truly fascinating. It was also the last time she had an abundance of female mentors and peers…

  • SFS cyberdefense scholarship applications due April 27

    SFS cyberdefense scholarship applications due April 27 The next application deadline for SFS cyberdefense scholarships to UMBC is 12noon Friday April 27, 2018, for possible scholarships beginning fall 2018. See for details and application forms. These major scholarships include tuition, generous stipend, and more, in return for government employment. Applicants must have at least…

  • CMSC 201: Computer Science I for Non-CS Disciplines – Fall 2018

    CMSC 201 Computer Science I for Non-CS Disciplines – Fall 2018 This fall, Dr. Susan Mitchell will teach a special section of CMSC 201 Computer Science I designed for social and biological sciences *and other majors*. The course will cover the same content and have the same rigor as the regular sections of CMSC 201 and prepare students…

  • IBM-UMBC Day, 9-3pm April 6

    IBM-UMBC Day, 9am-3pm April 6, 2018 9:00am-3:00pm Friday, 6 April 2018 University of Maryland, Baltimore County Performing Arts and Humanities Building 1000 Hilltop Circle | Baltimore, MD 21250 UMBC is pleased to host the first ever IBM-UMBC Day on Friday, April 6th. IBM-UMBC Day will create connections and enhance collaboration between UMBC faculty, students, and…

  • UMBC Cyber Dawgs Capture The Flag Cybersecurity Competition, Sunday March 11

    UMBC Cyber Dawgs Capture The Flag Cybersecurity Competition The national champion UMBC Cyber Dawgs will hold the second annual computer security Capture The Flag (CTF) competition on Sunday, March 11th from 11am-7pm in the UC Ballroom. This CTF event is a Jeopardy-style competition where teams of four people use their laptops to discover answers to…

  • talk: Results of the 2018 SFS Research Study at UMBC, 12pm Fri 2/9, ITE228

    The UMBC Cyber Defense Lab presents Results from the January 2018 SFS Research Study at UMBC Enis Golaszewski Department of Information Systems University of Maryland, Baltimore County 12:00–1:00pm, Friday, 9 February 2018, ITE 228 (or nearby) January 22-26, 2018, UMBC SFS scholars worked collaboratively to analyze the security of a targeted aspect of the UMBC computer system.  The…

  • UMBC students win ‘Opioid Epidemic Challenge Award’ by America East for designing app for teens

      UMBC students win Opioid Epidemic Challenge Award at HackAE hackathon Two students in the College of Engineering and Information Technology were recognized at HackAE, a 24-hour hackathon, earlier this month for developing an innovative app to help teens struggling with opioid issues. Agatha Turyahikayo ’21, computer science, and Gabrielle Watson ’21, information systems, won…