Category: Students

  • Privacy Engineering

    We've starting to see advertisements for a new kind of position: privacy engineer. If you've seen the classic movie, The Graduate, you'll remember the conversation that recent college graduate Benjamin Braddock has with a friend of his father, who says "I just want to say one word to you. Just one word. … Are you…

  • CSEE at URCAD 2012

    Each year, UMBC's Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement Day (URCAD) gives hardworking undergraduate researchers from all disciplines an outlet for presenting the findings of their unique research projects. On April 25th, 2012, a handful of students from the Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department (CSEE) will be part of that motley crew. Click on the…

  • Wallace Brown and Alexander Morrow: Multiclass Datasets, Their Predictions, and Their Visualization

    Multiclass Datasets, Their Predictions, and Their Visualization Wallace Brown and Alexander Morrow with Kevin Winner Senior, Computer Science Sophomore, Computer Science Many datasets contain a wealth of information. For example, a person may be described by their race, age, gender, income, marital status, nationality, level of education, etc. By analyzing this data, we can form…

  • Morgan Madeira: Analyzing Social Media Data

    Analyzing Social Media Data Morgan Madeira Junior, Computer Science Social media has increasingly become an outlet for expression for a large part of our society. Literature suggests that analyzing data from these sites can lead to improvements in areas such as health-care and search-ad targeting. Users of these sites often associate with many other users…

  • Panel Discussion: Graduate School: Before, During, and After

    10am Mon 4/16: A panel discussion on Graduate School: Before, During, and After, with Dr. Ellen Zegura (Georgia Tech), Dr. Jeffrey Forbes (National Science Foundation), Mr. James MacGlashan (UMBC CSEE Ph.D. Candidate) and Ms. Alyson Young (UMBC HCC Ph.D. student).

  • Work at Next Century Corporation

    Next Century Corporation is looking for prospective software engineers to join their team as interns and full time employees. The local technology company was named one of Baltimore Magazine’s “Best Places to Work” in 2011. “Next Century is driven by something far deeper than software, hardware, and dollars and cents,” says the company’s website. “We…

  • CSEE graduate student's company receives NCI research award

    UMBC Computer Science Ph.D. student Adrian Rosebrock and the company he founded and heads, ShiftyBits LLC, were recently awarded a competitive research contract from the National Cancer Institutes (NCI/NIH) to conduct research and development in the use of image processing and machine learning techniques to automatically analyze histology images of the breast. Through the awarded…

  • 2012 Google Summer of Code Applications open March 26

    Apply to the 2012 Google Summer of Code 3/26 — 4/6 to earn $5000 coding for an open source project.

  • UMBC Cyberdawgs are recruiting

    UMBC's Cyber Defense Team is looking for new members. This semester the team competed in the Collegiate Cyber Defense Championship. In this competition, each team defended a mock corporate network against a horde of professional hackers in a fast-paced, real-time event over the course of two days. These competitions are a great way to network…

  • Cyberdawgs make it to CyberWatch regional competition

    The UMBC’s Cyber Defense club, the Cyberdawgs, will be one of eight schools vying for the win at the CyberWatch Mid-Atlantic Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition Regional Finals. The competition, the first of its kind to focus on the operational aspects of protecting and managing an existing “commercial” network infrastructure, will take place at the Johns…