Category: Other

  • Work at Next Century Corporation

    Next Century Corporation is looking for prospective software engineers to join their team as interns and full time employees. The local technology company was named one of Baltimore Magazine’s “Best Places to Work” in 2011. “Next Century is driven by something far deeper than software, hardware, and dollars and cents,” says the company’s website. “We…

  • Penn offers Robotics research experience for undergrads this summer

                   Photo Courtesy It’s time to start thinking about summer research opportunities. And, If Robotics is what you love, then you’re in luck. In June, the University of Pennsylvania’s General Robotics, Automation, Sensing & Perception (GRASP) Laboratory is offering a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Site called “Perception, Planning, Mobility, and Interaction for Next…

  • New T-SITE scholarship program targets tech transfer students

    Next fall, a new scholarship program geared toward transfer students majoring in technology fields will offer ten students the support—both financial and otherwise—that they need. It’s called T-SITE (Transfer-Scholarships in Information Technology and Engineering), and similar to the previous SITE (Scholars in Information Technology and Engineering) program, is supported by an NSF S-STEM grant. The…

  • Need Homework Help? Ask Dan…

    A Sophomore Computer Science major, Dan Maselko has been a tutor in the Computer Science Help Center since last fall. Dan Maselko got hooked on computer science in high school. “When I took my first computer programming course in tenth grade,” he says, “I realized how easy and fun it was for me to get…

  • talk: Spectrum Wars: LightSquared vs. GPS, 11:30am Fri 2/2

    EE Graduate Seminar Spectrum Wars: LightSquared vs. GPS Professor Chuck LaBerge Professor of the Practice, CSEE Dept/UMBC 11:30am-12:45pm Friday, 2 March 2012, ITE 231 The radio-frequency spectrum is a limited resource. Within the US, commercial use of the spectrum is administered by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), while government use of the spectrum is administered…

  • CSEE Professor Dr. Tulay Adali Named IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecturer

    Congratulations to CSEE Professor Tulay Adali, who has been named a 2012 IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecturer. Nominated by the Machine Learning for Signal Processing Technical Committee, Dr. Adali is one of only five Distinguished Lecturers appointed this year. The position commits Dr. Adali to travel around to world to present her current research,…

  • A Letter from CSEE Department Chair, Dr. Gary Carter

    As we are entering the second semester of the 2011-2012 academic year, we are preparing for changes and new opportunities. Associate Professor Brooke Stephens has retired and we are preparing to interview candidates for two open tenure track positions in Computer Science. CSEE has just received permission to search for a Professor of Practice in…

  • talk: Christopher Rose (Rutgers): Write or Radiate

    Write or Radiate Professor Christopher Rose Rutgers University 1:00pm Friday December 9, 2011, ITE 227 Communication theory researchers do the relatively routine but deeply important work that maintains and expands our increasingly connected society. It is therefore easy to forget that communications research, by its very nature, is more than about telephones and the Internet,…

  • ENES Students Take Part in AROW Competition at UMBC

    This Saturday, November 19, students enrolled in Introduction to Engineering Science (ENES 101) will put robotic vessels to the test during UMBC's first AROW competition. AROW–Academy Robotics on the Water–was developed by Captain Jonathan Russell, Lt. Cmdr. Brian Maggi and Stephen Grenier of the US Coast Guard Academy as an introductory engineering design experience. The…

  • 14 CSEE Graduate Students Admitted to Candidacy for Doctoral Degree

    The Department wishes to extend its congratulations to the Computer Science and Electrical Engineering graduate students that were recently admitted to candidacy for the doctoral degree. The following students were recognized at the Doctoral Candidates Recognition Reception that was held last Tuesday, November 1st in the UC Ballroom:   Computer Science David Chapman Mentor: Dr.…