Category: News

  • talk: Dr. Phyllis Schneck (DHS) on The Need for Speed in Cybersecurity

    CHMPR Distinguished Lecturers Series The Need for Speed Dr. Phyllis A. Schneck Deputy Under Secretary of Cybersecurity Department of Homeland Security 3:30pm Thursday, 1 December 2016, UC 310 3:00pm Coffee, tea, and cookies As computers get faster, they change the world. Processors get smaller, the number of devices with processors gets bigger, and the amount…

  • UMBC Hour of Code, 11-2 Dec 7-8, Main Street

    The CS Education student org, with support from the CS Matters in Maryland CS education project, is planning UMBC’s first-ever Hour of Code event. Hour of Code is an initiative that organizes hands-on learning experiences for students of all ages during CS Education Week (December 5-11, 2016, coinciding with Admiral Grace Hopper’s birthday). UMBC’s Hour…

  • talk: Mobile Security Architectures, Threats & Mitigation, 6-8pm Tue 11/15

    Mobile Security Architectures, Threats and Mitigation Joshua Franklin, NIST 6:00-8:00pm Tuesday, 15 November 2016 Building III Room 2226, UMBC@Universities at Shady Grove directions Cellular technology plays an increasingly large role in society as it has become the primary portal to the internet for a large segment of the population. One of the main drivers making…

  • talk: Preventive Neuromonitoring of Critically-ill Infants Using Advanced Signal Processing, 1pm Fri 11/11

    The UMBC CSEE Seminar Series Presents Preventive Neuromonitoring of Critically-ill Infants Using Advanced Signal Processing Techniques Rathinaswamy B. Govindan Division of Fetal and Transitional Medicine Fetal Medicine Institute Children’s National Health System, Washington, DC 1:00-2:00pm, Friday, 11 November 2016, ITE 229, UMBC Several early life complications (caused by, e.g., maternal illness, premature birth, complications during…

  • Dissertation defense: Cross-Layer Techniques for Boosting Base-Station Anonymity in Wireless Sensor Networks

    Dissertation Defense Announcement Cross-Layer Techniques for Boosting Base-Station Anonymity in Wireless Sensor Networks Sami Alsemairi 9:30 Wednesday, 9 November 2016, ITE 346 Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) provide an effective solution for surveillance and data gathering applications in hostile environments where human presence is infeasible, risky or very costly. Examples of these applications include military reconnaissance,…

  • talk: Engineering Plaintext Private Information Retrieval Systems, 1pm Fri 4/11, UMBC

    The UMBC CSEE Seminar Series Presents Practical Engineering of Plaintext Private Information Retrieval Systems Dr. Russell Fink Chief Engineer, Cyber Operations Branch, Johns Hopkins University / Applied Physics Laboratory 1-2pm Friday, 4 November 2016, ITE 229 Cloud computing has come a long way in the last decade, with many advances in supported platforms, security, and…

  • talk: Statistics and Big Data at Google, 5-6pm Thr 11/3, UC310, UMBC

    Statistics and Big Data at Google Dr. Tim Hesterberg, Google 5:00-6:00pm Thursday, 3 November 2016, UC 310, UMBC Google lives on data. Search, Ads, YouTube, Maps…they all live on data. Join Senior Quantitative Analyst (and Lady Statistician) Tim Hesterberg, as he shares stories about how we use data, how we’re experimenting to make improvements (yes,…

  • Six new SFS cybersecurity scholars to join UMBC in 2017

    Six new cybersecurity scholars were inducted into UMBC’s NSF-sponsored Scholarship for Service program in an event held in Germantown on October 20. Three are currently students at Montgomery College and three are from Prince Georges Community College. After they complete their associates degree in spring 2017, they will transfer to UMBC to complete their undergraduate…

  • talk: Understanding Ambiguity in Privacy and Security Requirements, 11:15 Fri 11/4 ITE229

    The UMBC Cyber Defense Lab presents Regulatory Compliance Software Engineering: Understanding Ambiguity in Privacy and Security Requirements Aaron Massey Department of Information Systems University of Maryland, Baltimore County 11:15am-12:30pm Friday, 4 November  2016, ITE 229 Software engineers building software systems in regulated environments must ensure that software requirements accurately represent obligations described in laws and…

  • talk: Learning to Predict the Future from Unlabeled Data, 1pm Fri 10/28, ITE229, UMBC

    The UMBC CSEE Seminar Series Presents Learning to Predict the Future from Unlabeled Data Hamed Pirsiavash, CSEE Department, UMBC 1-2pm Friday, 28 October 2016, ITE 229 Anticipating actions and objects before they start or appear is a difficult problem in computer vision with several real-world applications. This task is challenging partly because it requires leveraging…