Category: News

  • talk: Securing Networks by Detecting Logical Flaws in Protocol Implementations

    Securing Networks by Detecting Logical Flaws in Protocol Implementations Dr. Endadul Hoque Postdoctoral Research Associate, Northeastern University 12:00pm Wednesday, 22 February 2017, ITE 325b, UMBC Implementations of network protocols are integral components of various networked computing systems, spanning from Internet-of-Things (IoT) to enormous data centers. Research efforts to defend these implementations by introducing new designs…

  • talk: Semantic Approach to Automating Big Data and Cloud, 12pm Mon 2/20

    A Semantically Rich Approach to Automating Big Data and Cloud Dr. Karuna Joshi University of Maryland, Baltimore County 12:00pm Monday, 20 February 2017, ITE 325b, UMBC With the explosion of Big Data and the growth of data science, there is an urgent need to automate the data lifecycle of generation, ingestion, analytics, knowledge extraction, and…

  • UMBC Grand Challenge Symposium, 1-2:30 pm Friday 2/17, Library

    UMBC’s Grand Challenge Scholars Program is designed for students from all majors who are interested in solving important societal problems. The program fosters a vibrant interdisciplinary community to help tackle the National Academy of Engineering’s (NAE) Grand Challenges, and gives students experiences and skills to create solutions to some of the most pressing challenges of…

  • talk: Cybersecurity and Cellular Technology, 6pm 2/23 Shady Grove

    UMBC Cybersecurity Program Cyber Talk Cybersecurity and Cellular Technology Joshua Franklin 6:00-8:00pm Thursday, 23 February 2017 The Universities at Shady Grove Building III (Camille Kendall Academic Center) Room 3241 9636 Gudelsky Drive, Rockville, MD 20850 ​​The UMBC Cybersecurity Program is proud to bring you Cyber Talk, a new speaker series that highlights special topics in…

  • talk: Accountability and Data Privacy in the Life Cycle of Big Data

    Towards End-to-End Security and Privacy: Accountability and Data Privacy in the Life Cycle of Big Data Taeho Jung Department of Computer Science Illinois Institute of Technology 11:00am Tuesday, 14 February 2017, ITE 325b, UMBC The advent of big data has given birth to numerous innovative life-enhancing applications, but the big data is often called as a…

  • talk: Bayesianism and the Evidence Problem, 4pm 2/15

    Philosophy Department Colloquium Bayesianism and the Evidence Problem Lisa Cassell University of Massachusetts/Amherst 4-6:00pm Wednesday, 15 February 2017, 456 Performing Arts & Humanities Bayesianism is a theory that gives us norms for how the degrees of belief we have in certain propositions — our “credences” — ought to hang together. For instance, it tells me…

  • UMBC’s Cyber Scholars program stands out as a national model in “Diverse”

      At a time when just 12 percent of information security analysts are black, Hispanic or Asian, and only 20 percent of information security analysts are women, successful student support programs like UMBC’s Cyber Scholars are poised to make a major impact on the field, suggests a new article in Diverse: Issues in Higher Education.…

  • Recruiting UMBC Students for the Grand Challenge Scholars Program , Fri. 2/17

      UMBC undergraduates interested in the Grand Challenge Scholars Program are encouraged to attend a symposium and recruiting event at 1:00pm on Friday, February 17. The Grand Challenge Scholars Program is a program for undergraduates in all majors who are interested in thinking about big problems facing society, and how to solve them from broad,…

  • CSEE faculty on securing the president’s smartphone and avoiding “cyber-fatigue”

    Professor Anupam Joshi, chair of the CSEE Department and director of the UMBC Center for Cybersecurity With a new administration in the White House, securing the president’s smartphone is a national security priority, but exactly what steps are taken to secure the phone are not made public. In a new article in The Conversation, Anupam…

  • Capital Area Women in Computing Celebration, 2/24-25

    The Capital Area Women in Computing Celebration, sponsored by ACM-W, will be held at Georgetown University on Friday, February 24th and Saturday, February 25. The celebration will bring together women at the high school, undergraduate, graduate, and professional levels to promote the recruitment, retention, and progression of women in computing fields. The cost of student…