Category: In the News

  • UMBC cybersecurity expert on reports of state-sponsored cyber espionage and hacking

    The week the PBS-distributed Nightly Business Report aired a story on international cyber espionage that featured UMBC's Richard Forno, Associate director of the UMBC Center for Cybersecurity. The piece, Washington Trade-Secret Theft Enforcement Weighs on Shareholders, discussed how cyber attacks are being used by foreign companies with the help of their governments to steal trade…

  • UMBC alumnus Sean Kennedy featured on for BeerGivr app

    "I owe you a beer" is a phrase that's thrown around a lot with very little follow through. UMBC Alumnus Sean Kennedy (Information Systems '06) created a smartphone application that could change that. BeerGivr allows you to virtualy send your buddy a brew. When a friend wants to buy you a drink but can't make…

  • Technology as a teaching tool: an infographic

    Take a look at the latest infographic from (Click here for a version that you can actually read.) It's called "Components of a 21st Century Classroom" and it looks at how technology, like computers, tablets, and other mobile devices, are being increasingly incorporated into the classroom. With number like "1 in 5 students have…

  • In the News: Catonsville tech start-up, Mindgrub technologies, takes off

    Photo Courtesy Penny Riordan That's Todd Marks up there, standing over a banner for Mindgrub Technologies. In 2002, Marks founded the Catonsville-based start-up that specializes in mobile and web development. In fact, you're probably a fan of their work if you've downloaded UMBC's free iPhone application. According to a article, Mindgrub has already outgrown…

  • Alumnus Delali Dzirasa in The Retriever Weekly

    Photo courtesy Left: Computer Engineering Alumnus Delali Dzirasa speaks with a student during the Raymond V. Haysbert, Sr. Entrepreneurship Lecture back in March. The Retriever Weekly talked to UMBC alumnus Delali Dzirasa (CE, '04) about what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur. Dzirasa, the founder of Fearless Solutions, LLC–a team of software engineers…

  • Computer Science for the rest of us

    An article in the April 1 edition of New York Times, Computer Science for the Rest of Us, mentions UMBC and Marie desJardins. It describes the idea that our notion of literacy should be exapanded to include an understanding of computational processes and that all college graduates should know the basics of computational thinking. The…

  • In the News: driverless cars and digital intersections

    The buzz about driverless cars erupted after Google received a patent for the technology in December of last year. Since then, the project has been steadily moving forward. A few days ago, Google started testing their vehicles on Nevada roads, following approval by the state’s Legislative Commission. With the inevitability of autonomous transportation creeping closer,…