Category: Hackathon

  • UMBC’s 2020 hackUMBC online hackathon, Fri 11/13 – Sun 11/15

    36-hour virtual innovation marathon to collaborate on mobile, web & hardware projects

  • Game Development Workshop, 12-1pm Fri 12/7

    The mobile game Deliverance by UMBC student Paul Tschirgi ’15, visual arts.   Game Development Workshop 12-1:00pm Friday, 7 December 2018, ENGR 002   Join HackUMBC and CWIT for a Game Development Workshop, facilitated by Prof. Marc Olano. This workshop will focus on various facets of research and practice in the games industry, the kinds…

  • Global Game Jam, UMBC, 26-28 January 2018

    Global Game Jam at UMBC For the 10th(!) year in a row, UMBC is the Baltimore host site for the Global Game Jam! Where: Engineering (ENG) building on the UMBC campus When: 5 PM January 26 – 5 PM January 28, 2018 Cost: Free, but advance registration is required (register at What is a…

  • UMBC students win ‘Opioid Epidemic Challenge Award’ by America East for designing app for teens

      UMBC students win Opioid Epidemic Challenge Award at HackAE hackathon Two students in the College of Engineering and Information Technology were recognized at HackAE, a 24-hour hackathon, earlier this month for developing an innovative app to help teens struggling with opioid issues. Agatha Turyahikayo ’21, computer science, and Gabrielle Watson ’21, information systems, won…

  • QuHacks hackathon for high school and middle school students seeks volunteers

    Volunteer at hackathon for high school and middle school students Maryland high school and middle school students who are interested in computing will come to UMBC for an all-day hackathon in the UMBC Commons on Saturday, December 9. The organizers are recruiting UMBC students who would like to help with the hackathon between 9:30am and…

  • Winning projects at the HackUMBC 2017 Hackathon

    HackUMBC was a 24-hour tech innovation marathon where students across the East Coast collaborate on new ideas to build mobile, web and hardware projects. HackUMBC involved a diverse group of students, undergraduate, graduate and high school students over 18, who enjoy a weekend of hacking, workshops, tech talks, networking, and other fun activities. At the…

  • Technica 24-hour all-woman hackathon, Sat-Sun November 4-5,UM College Park

    Technica 24-hour all-woman hackathon, Sat-Sun November 4-5, UM College Park Technica is the University of Maryland’s all-women hackathon. Over 24 hours on Saturday and Sunday​,​ November 4-5​,​ ​participants​ are immersed in tech culture and encouraged to exercise their imagination to create interesting and innovative hacks. Technica differs from the typical hackathon in that it encourage…