Category: Graduate
Context-Aware Middleware for Activity Recognition, MS defense, Radhika Dharurkar, 10:30am 5/19
MS Thesis Defense Context-Aware Middleware for Activity Recognition Radhika Dharurkar 10:30am Thursday, 19 May 2011, ITE 325B Smartphones and other mobile devices have a simple notion of context largely restricted to temporal and spatial coordinates. Service providers and enterprise administrators can deploy systems incorporating activity and relations context to enhance the user experience, but this…
Cybersecurity Webinar, 1pm Thur June 9
Dr. Rick Forno will discuss UMBC’s Cybersecurity programs and give updated details about the upcoming Maryland Cyber Challenge at a UMBC Cybersecurity Webinar at 1:00pm on Thursday June 9. The webinar will describe the UMBC Cybersecurity programs, covering: Master of Professional Studies and graduate certificate program details Innovative curriculum highlights Convenient and flexible class schedules…
Equation Modeling in Resting State Motor Network in Healthy Subjects, MS defense, Tejaswini Kavallappa
MSEE Thesis Defense Reliability of Structural Equation Modeling in Examining Resting State Motor Network in Healthy Subjects Tejaswini Kavallappa 3pm Monday, 16 May 2011, ITE 325 Resting state connectivity studies are of growing significance and interest in the current neuroimaging literature due to their potential in explaining various underlying brain mechanisms and, therefore, their utility…
Group Recognition in Social Networking Systems, MS Defense by Nagapradeep Chinnam
MS Thesis Defense Group Recognition in Social Networking Systems Nagapradeep Chinnam 1:30pm Tuesday, 17 May 2011, ITE 325 Recent years have seen an exponential growth in the use of social networking systems, enabling their users to easily share information with their connections. A typical Facebook user, as an example, might have 300-400 connections which include…
Community Detection in Twitter, MS defense by Mohit Kewalramani, 1pm Mon 5/16
MS Thesis Defense Community Detection in Twitter Mohit Kewalramani 1:00pm Monday, 16 May 2011, ITE 346 Twitter has evolved into a source of social, political and real time information in addition to being a means of mass-communication and marketing. Monitoring and analyzing information on Twitter can lead to invaluable insights, which might otherwise be hard…
MS defense: Lohr on Semantic Light, 2:15 Thu 5/12
MS Thesis Defense Semantic Light: Building Blocks Charles Lohr 2:15pm Thursday, 12 May 2011, ITE 346 The concept of Semantic Light is simply that lighting systems can be aware of what they are lighting. This offers a number of potential advantages over conventional lighting in quality and efficiency. Semantic Light requires fine grained control of…
CSEE Research Review awards and pictures
2011 CSEE Research Review photos · program · posters · location · call for papers The 2011 research review event was the largest to date, with more than eighty people attending. You can see pictures from the poster session and some of the presentations online. The CRR-11 program committee selected students for best research based on…
MS defense: Mahale on Group Centric Information Sharing, 10am Tue
MS Thesis Defense Group Centric Information Sharing using Hierarchical Models Amit Mahale 10:00am Tuesday, 10 May 2011, ITE 346, UMBC Traditional security policies are often based on the concept of “need to know” and are typified by predefined and often rigid specifications of which principals and roles are pre-authorized to access what information. A recommendations…
CSEE Research Review Friday May 6
The CSEE department will hold its annual research review this Friday from 9:30am to 4:00pm at the UMBC Technology Center at South Campus. Faculty, research staff and students from all of the department's programs present and discuss their latest research results. The Research Review is open to the public and is a good way for…
CSEE students at the Graduate Research Conference
Twenty CSEE graduate students had oral or poster presentations at the 2011 GRC and CSEE alumnus Dr. Ralph Semmel gave a the keynote address. We have some photographs from the event. Three of our graduates students were also honored by receiving awards for making outstanding presentations. Varish Mulwad received an award for an outstanding oral…