Category: Graduate

  • A 'Sputnik Moment' for Computer Science?

    Today's New York Times has a "Room for Debate" opinion piece, Computer Science's 'Sputnik Moment'?, on the recent surge in interest in computing majors on US campuses. It asks "Will the influx of students into the field last, and can it raise American educational achievement along the way?" and features eight short essays incuding one…

  • MS defense: Image Classification and Automated Extraction of Collocated Actin/Myosin Regions

    MS Thesis Defense Image Classification and Automated Extraction of Collocated Actin/Myosin Regions Ronil S. Mokashi 10:00am Friday, 17 June 2011, ITE 325b This study illuminates the aspects of cell migration, which is central to many biological processes. To understand cell migration we examine the relationship between local cytoskeletal features and local morphology. We demonstrate this…

  • Maryland Cyber Challenge Team Registration and Orientation Session

    Registration for the Maryland Cyber Challenge and Conference (MDC3) is now open. MDC3 will provide an opportunity for students and professionals to network in a fun environment while participating in exciting games and learning about computer safety and cybersecurity skills. MDC3 teams up to six players who will compete in one of three categories: high…

  • PhD defense: Wenjia Li on Securing Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

    Ph.D. Dissertation Defense A Security Framework to Cope With Node Misbehaviors in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Wenjia Li 11:00am Tuesday, 14 June 2011, ITE 325b A Mobile Ad-hoc NETwork (MANET) has no fixed infrastructure, and is generally composed of a dynamic set of cooperative peers. These peers share their wireless transmission power with other peers…

  • MS defense: Akshaya Iyengar, Estimating Temporal Boundaries for Twitter Events

    MS Thesis Defense Estimating Temporal Boundaries For Events Using Social Media Data Akshaya Iyengar 10:00am Wednesday, 15 June 2011, ITE 325b Social media websites like Twitter, Flickr and YouTube generate a high volume of user generated content as a major event occurs. Our goal is to automatically determine as accurately as possible when an event…

  • MS Defense: Face Recognition for Mass Disaster Victims

    MS Thesis Defense Face Recognition using Gabor Jets for Images of Mass Disaster Victims Kavita Dabke 11:00am Friday, 10 June 2011, ITE 325B Mass disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, landslides, blizzards and other natural calamities affect a large number of people in a short time duration. After such emergencies occur, people affected need medical…

  • PhD proposal: Improving traffic flow forecasts for road networks with data assimilation

    Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal Improving traffic flow forecasts for road networks with data assimilation Shiming Yang 3:00pm Wednesday, 8 June 2011, ITE 325b Macroscopic models for traffic flow in networks of roads are widely used in analyzing traffic phenomena and for the management and planning of transportation road systems. These models have various simplifying assumptions in…

  • MS defense: Gas Detection and Concentration Estimation via Mid-IR-based Gas Detection System Analysis Model

    MSEE Thesis Defense On Gas Detection and Concentration Estimation via Mid-IR-based Gas Detection System Analysis Model Yi Xin 2pm Monday, 6 June 2011, ITE 325 Due to recent development in laser technology and infrared spectroscopy, Laser-based spectroscopy (LAS) has been used in a wide range of research and application fields. A particular application of interest…

  • PhD proposal: Finding Story Chains in Newswire Articles

    Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal Finding Story Chains in Newswire Articles Xianshu Zhu 1:30pm Thursday 2 June 2011, ITE 325B Huge amounts of information are shared on the Internet every day, such as online newspapers, digital libraries, blogs, and social network messages. While there are some excellent search engines, such as Google, to assist in retrieving information…

  • PhD Proposal: Generating Linked Data by inferring the semantics of tables

    Ph.D. Preliminary Examination Generating Linked Data by inferring the semantics of tables Varish Mulwad 9:30am Wednesday 25 May, 2011, ITE 325b A vast amount of information is encoded in tables on the web, spreadsheets and databases. Considerable work has been focused on exploiting unstructured free text; however techniques that are effective for documents and free…