Category: Graduate
Build a better ant in the Google AI Challenge
Google is sponsoring another AI Challenge Competition run by an independent group of volunteers that grew out of the Computer Science Club of the University of Waterloo. The competition opens today and invites submissions of programs designed to control ants a simulated colony in competition with other colonies. Ants is a multi-player strategy game…
talk: Adapt3D: A Framework for Supporting CFD and MHD Modeling, 1pm Fri 10/21 ITE227
Adapt3D: A Framework for Supporting CFD and MHD Modeling Professor John E. Dorband Research Associate Professor and MCC Chief Scientist Computer Science and Electrical Engineering University of Maryland, Baltimore County 1:00pm Friday 21 October 2011, ITE227 Adapt3D is a software framework that supports 3-D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) modeling on an unstructured…
talk: Detection of Chemical, Biological and Explosive Materials, 11:30am Fri 10/21
EE Graduate Seminar Detection and Classification of Chemical, Biological, and Explosive Materials: A Brief Overview of Several Cutting-Edge Problem Areas Darren Emge PI and Deputy Branch Chief Laser Standoff Detection Branch US Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center 11:30am-12:45pm Friday, 21 October 11, ITE 231 The detection and classification of chemical, biological, and explosive (CBE) materials…
talk: Optical Sensors for Biotechnology & Bioengineering
EE Graduate Seminar Optical Sensors for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Yordan Kostov, PhD Research Associate Professor UMBC Center for Advanced Sensor Technology 11:30am-12:45pm, Friday 14 October 2011, ITE 231 Interaction of the light with the matter is one of the fundamental interactions in the nature. It is used in a variety of fields, stretching from telecommunications…
The Women Who Made Google Plus
This year, October 7 has been designated as Ada Lovelace Day, a day to honor Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace. She is widely regarded as the first computer programmer for her work with Charles Babbage who developed an early mechanical general-purpose computer, the analytical engine. ReadWriteWeb commemorated the day with a story on the…
Contest to forecast wind power from a wind farm
If you are interested in machne learning you might check out the American Meteorological Society Wind Power Prediction Contest. It is sponsored by the AMS Committee on AI Applications to Environmental Science, Energy, and Probability and Statistics. The goal is to compare various statistical learning techniques to predict wind power production. This contest considers a wind…
Free Linux installation help at the 2011 UMBC Linux Insallfest
Got Linux? If you've ever wanted to try Linux but didn't know where to start, bring your computer to the Linux Installfest this Friday. The UMBC Linux Users Group will hold a Linux Install Fest from 10:30am to 4:30pm on Friday 7 October on Main Street in the Commons. Experts from the Linux Users Group will…
talk: Integrated Lifecycle of IT Services in Cloud Environments, 1pm Fri 10/7
CSEE Colloquium Integrated Lifecycle of IT Services in Cloud Environments Karuna Pande Joshi University of Maryland, Baltimore County 1:00pm Friday 7 October 2011, ITE 227, UMBC Virtualized service models are now emerging and redefining the way information technology (IT) is delivered. Managing these services efficiently over the cloud is an open challenge. For my PhD…
Interdisciplinary Engineering Panel Night, 7pm 10/6
The UMBC ACM Student Chapter is co-hosting Interdisciplinary Engineering Panel Night at 7:00pm on Thursday 6 October 201 in the Commons Skylight Lounge. This free event is open to both undergraduate and graduate students in all engineering disciplines. Students have a chance to hear the perspective of professionals from industry, socializing and expanding their network.…
Karuna Joshi speaks about Cloud Computing
“I think it’s more than a jargon,” says Karuna Joshi of Cloud Computing, a topic she will discuss this Friday during a Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department Colloquium, “It’s an actual paradigm shift.” Ms. Joshi, a Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science at UMBC, has been pursing research on Cloud Computing for the past three…