Category: Graduate

  • Cyber Challenge Hones Students’ Cyber Skills

    Tyler Campbell, Nick Ducq, Ryan King, Andrew Nguyen and Tim Spillman walked out of the Baltimore Convention Center elated. Their team, the Sherwood Cyber Warriors, had just won the high school division of the inaugural Maryland Cyber Challenge. Their success netted them each a $5,000 scholarship from the National Security Agency. The entire experience was…

  • MS defense: Sawhney on Analyzing the Growth of Hoeffding Trees

    MS Thesis Defense Analyzing the Growth of Hoeffding Trees Mayank Sawhney 12:00-1:30pm Thursday 1 December 2011, ITE 346 Mining high speed data streams has become a necessity because of the enormous growth in the volume of electronic data. In the past decade, researchers have suggested various models for learning in both stationary and concept drifting…

  • MS defense: Pilz on Approximation of Nonintegral Frequency Moments, 11/30

    Masters Thesis Defense Approximation of Nonintegral Frequency Moments Brian Pilz 10:00am 30 November 2011, ITE325b Let a data stream have length m over an alphabet of n letters, with letter i occurring m_i times for i = 1,…,n. For any k, define the frequency moments F_k as F_k = sum_{i=1}^n m_i^k. Alon, Matias, and Szegedy…

  • talk: Rutledge on multichannel amplitude compression for speech processing, 11/18

    EE Graduate Seminar Time-Varying Amplitude Compression Processing to Preserve and Enhance Spectral Contrast in Speech Signals Dr. Janet C. Rutledge Dean, UMBC Graduate School Vice-Provost for Graduate Education Affiliate Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering 11:30-12:45 Friday, 18 November 2011, ITE 231 Multichannel amplitude compression processing is used to reduce the level variations of speech to fit…

  • Ph.D. Defense: Justin Martineau on Sentiment Analysis, 1:30pm Fri 11/18

    Ph.D. Dissertation Defense Identifying and Isolating Text Classification Signals from Domain and Genre Noise for Sentiment Analysis Justin Martineau 1:30-4:00 Friday, 18 November 2011, ITE 325b, UMBC Sentiment analysis is the automatic detection and measurement of sentiment in text segments by machines. This thesis provides methods to identify, characterize, and isolate the sentiment bearing terms…

  • 14 CSEE Graduate Students Admitted to Candidacy for Doctoral Degree

    The Department wishes to extend its congratulations to the Computer Science and Electrical Engineering graduate students that were recently admitted to candidacy for the doctoral degree. The following students were recognized at the Doctoral Candidates Recognition Reception that was held last Tuesday, November 1st in the UC Ballroom:   Computer Science David Chapman Mentor: Dr.…

  • talk: Functional Brain Circuits, nAChR Genes, and Smoking, 11:30am Fri 11/4

    EE Graduate Seminar Functional Brain Circuits, nAChR Genes, and Smoking Dr. Elliot Hong Director, Brain Imaging Center Associate Professor Maryland Psychiatric Research Center University of Maryland School of Medicine 11:30am-12:45pm Friday, 4 Nov 11, ITE 231 About 20% of the US population smokes cigarettes. Smoking is influenced by genetic and environmental factors and mental illnesses.The…

  • Win $50K in the DARPA Shredder Challenge

    DARPA has announce another research-relevant competition: the $50,000 Shredder Challenge which invites teams to try to reconstruct virtual shredded documents. "Today’s troops often confiscate the remnants of destroyed documents in war zones, but reconstructing them is a daunting task. DARPA’s Shredder Challenge calls upon computer scientists, puzzle enthusiasts and anyone else who likes solving complex…

  • talk: Martineau on domain adaptation for sentiment analysis

    CSEE Colloquium Identifying and Isolating Text Classification Signals from Domain and Genre Noise for Sentiment Analysis Justin Martineau Computer Science and Electrical Engineering University of Maryland, Baltimore County 1:00pm Friday 4 November 2011, ITE 227 Justin Martineau will describe the results of his PhD dissertation which he will defend later this month. His dissertation research…

  • 2012 Google Graduate Researchers in Academia of Diverse backgrounds (GRAD) CS Forum

    As part of Google’s ongoing commitment to encouraging students of underrepresented backgrounds in technology to pursue graduate study, the company will host the 2012 Google Graduate Researchers in Academia of Diverse backgrounds (GRAD) CS Forum. This forum will bring together students who are historically underrepresented in the field to connect with one another and with…