Category: Graduate

  • Amazon tech talk and information session, 7pm Thur 2/23, Skylight Room

      Amazon, one of the most innovative and fastest growing technology companies, will hold a technical talk and information session at 7:00pm this Thursday (2/23) for UMBC students interested in full-time positions or internships. The meeting will be in the Skylight Room of the Commons. UMBC Alumna Akshaya Iyengar (MS CS '11) joined Amazon last…

  • talk: Physical Layer Wireless Network Modeling and Simulation

    EE Graduate Seminar Physical Layer Wireless Network Modeling and Simulation and my Technical Publishing Experience Jon R. Ward EE PhD Student, UMBC and the Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory 11:30 – 12:45, Friday, 17 February 2012, ITE 237 Jon Ward, and coauthors Jack Burbank and Bill Kasch, recently wrote a book for IEEE Press/Wiley entitled…

  • talk: Self-Powered In-Vitro Biosensing Microsystem

    A Self-Powered In-Vitro Biosensing Microsystem Dr. Gymama Slaughter Computer Science and Electrical Engineering University of Maryland, Baltimore County 11:30am-12:45pm Friday, 10 February 2012, ITE 237 Recent studies on biofuel cells have shown that energy can be harvested from biological compounds. Because of the recent biofuel cell discoveries, it possible to use inertial power scavenging design…

  • 2012 Google Summer of Code program announced

    If you have good programming skills and are looking for an interesting alternative to the usual summer internship, you might check out the Google Summer of Code program. It pays student developers $5000 stipends to write code for various open source projects over the summer. Over the past seven years, it's brought together over 6,000…

  • Using data visualization techniques to support digital forensics

    UMBC Cyber Defense Lab Research Meeting Using data visualization techniques to support digital forensics Tim Leschke 11:00am-12:15pm, Friday, Feb 3, 2012 ITE Room 228 Digital forensic examiners explore large datasets in search of evidence of a crime. In order to keep pace with the growing amount of data that is subject to a forensic examination,…

  • 2012 Global Game Jam at UMBC, 27-29 Jan

    UMBC is a host for the 2012 Global Game Jam which takes place this coming weekend, January 27-29. This is a 48 hour event, where teams from around the world work to develop a complete game over one weekend. The first year had 54 sites in 23 countries. The second year had 124 sites in…

  • Deadline for Information Assurance Scholarship Nears

    Attention rising Junior and Senior Undergraduate and Graduate students interested in Information Assurance: Thursday, January 12 is the deadline to apply for a scholarship through the Information Assurance Scholarship Program (IASP). The scholarship is great for students who are interested in pursuing careers in Information Assurance for the Federal Government.  Each recipient will receive full…

  • Tech firms like summer interns: Try before you Buy

    An article in last week's Wall Street Journal, Interns Are Latest Target In Battle for Tech Talent, focused on the increased interest in hiring summer interns in the Bay area. "Bay Area tech companies, already in a fierce fight for full-time hires, are now also battling to woo summer interns. Technology giants like Google Inc.…

  • CSEE programs graduate 114 students in December

    We congratulate the 114 students who graduated from our programs in December 2011. Three students received Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science, 58 received M.S. degrees in Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Engineering Management and Systems Engineering, and 53 got B.S. degrees in Computer Engineering and Computer Science. We wish all of our new alumni…

  • ACM Queue programming challenge

    If you’re at loose ends for the semester break and want to sharpen your programming slils, you might try competing in the ACM Queue Magazine online programming competition. You will program a player that will compete with others in the game of Coercion. The competition opens January 15 and closes at midnight GMT on February…