Category: Graduate

  • UMBC ACM student chapter elects new officers

    The UMBC student chapter of the ACM met last week to elect a new slate of officers for the 2012-13 academic year: Varish Mulwad as President, Lisa Mathews as Vice-President, Ravendar Bhojwani as Secretary and Prajit Kumar Das as Treasurer.

  • PhD proposal: Online Unsupervised Coreference Resolution

    1pm Tue 5/22: Jennifer Sleeman will present her dissertation proposal on Online Unsupervised Coreference Resolution for Semi-Structured, Heterogeneous Data at 1:00pm on Tuesday May 5, 2012 in room ITE 325b at UMBC.

  • Best Cities For Tech Jobs: DC #2, Baltimore #5

    Forbes ranked metropolitan areas on increased tech-related jobs based on their employment growth in the sectors most identified with the high-tech economy and STEM. Among the top five are DC at #2 and Baltimore at #5. No. 2: Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV Amid a surge in government spending, the capital area has enjoyed 20.6% growth in tech…

  • MS defense: Mobile Relays Based Federation of Multiple Wireless Sensor Network Segments with Reduced-Latency

    10am Tue 5/15: Jerome Stanislaus defends his MS thesis on ‘Mobile Relays Based Federation of Multiple Wireless Sensor Network Segments with Reduced-Latency’ at 10:00am on Tuesday, 15 May 2012 in room ITE 325b, UMBC.

  • Shamit Patel wins National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship

    Congratulations to Shamit Patel (CS, MS '12, BS '10) on securing the highly competitive National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship (NDSEG). After graduating at the end of the semester with an M.S. in Computer Science, Shamit plans on pursuing his Ph.D. in Neurosciences–specializing in Computational Neuroscience–at the University of California, San Diego this Fall.…

  • MS defense: Numerical Integration Techniques for Volume Rendering

    10am 5/7: Preeti Bindu defends his MS thesis on Numerical Integration Techniques for Volume Rendering at 10:00am on Monday, 7 May 2012 in room ITE 352, UMBC.

  • Mulwad, Van Tassel, and Ordonez win poster competition at CSEE Research Review

    Congratulations to the three winners of the poster competition at the Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department's annual Research Review, which took place in the UMBC Technology Center's business incubator and accelerator building last Friday. Winners were chosen by UMBC faculty who scored their top five choices with [-9, +9] range voting. 1st place (26…

  • MS defense: A Modular, Power-Intelligent Wireless Sensor Node Architecture

    MS Thesis Defense A Modular, Power-Intelligent Wireless Sensor Node Architecture David Riley 10:30am Monday, 7 May 2012, ITE 346 The current state of the art in wireless sensor nodes, both in academia and the commercial world, is a fractured landscape of designs which mostly address individual problems. The most common commercial design derives directly from…

  • Josiah Dykstra and Han Dong awarded for best Computer Science research

    Congratulations to CSEE graduate students Josiah Dykstra (Computer Science, Ph.D.) and Han Dong (Computer Science, M.S.) for winning the Computer Science and Electrical Engineering (CSEE) Department's 2011-2012 awards for best research by a Ph.D. student and best research by an M.S. student, respectively. Winners were chosen based on the scientific merit (significance, originality, notriviality, correctness)…

  • Learn about Grad Degrees in Cybersecurity

    Interested in breaking into the burgeoning field of Cybersecurity? Come to a Graduate Information Session on Wednesday, May 2 in ITE 104 at Noon to learn about UMBC's Master's programs in Cybersecurity. Headed by program director Richard Forno, UMBC offers both a Master's in Professional Studies: Cybersecurity, a ten-course master’s degree that incorporates courses in…