Category: Graduate
Chandrasekaran MS Defense: MIMO Channel Modeling and Capacity Using the Channel Correlation Matrix
Anush Chandrasekaran will defends his MS thesis on “On MIMO Channel Modeling and Capacity Using the Channel Correlation Matrix” at 1pm on 18 July 2012 in 325b ITE.
Kugaonkar MS defense: Finding Associations among SNPs for Prostate Cancer
9am 11/18: Rohit Kugaonkar will defend his MS thesis on “Finding associations among SNPs for prostate cancer using collaborative filtering” at 9:00am on Wednesday, 18 July 2012, Room ITE 325b
Ph.D. defense: Fatih Senel on Relay Node Placement for Federating Segmented Wireless Sensor Networks
2pm 7/10: Fatih Senel will defend his Ph.D. dissertation, Relay Node Placement for Federating Segmented Wireless Sensor Networks, at 2:00pm on Tuesday, July 10.
MS defense: Integrating Domain Knowledge in Supervised Machine Learning to Assess the Risk of Breast Cancer Using Genomic Data
9am 6/29:Aniket Bochare will defend his MS Theses on Integrating Domain Knowledge in Supervised Machine Learning to Assess the Risk of Breast Cancer Using Genomic Data
Integrated Distributed-Bragg-Reflector Thermally Tunable Quantum Cascade Lasers
10am 6/22: Liwei Cheng will defend his Ph.D. dissertation on the Fabrication and Operation of Integrated Distributed-Bragg-Reflector Thermally Tunable Quantum Cascade Lasers.
Ahmad Abbas takes home DIY/Hacker prize at Baltimore Hackathon
In its second year, the Baltimore Hackathon invites teams or individuals to build a hardware or software project from start to finish. Sporting the slogan "Meet People. Build Stuff. Have Fun.", this year's competition was held in Tide Point from June 8–10. Among the more than ninety participants was UMBC student Ahmad Abbas, who took…
talk: Via on Multi-Antenna Spectrum Sensing, 6/22
2pm 6/22 Javier Via will talk about his research on Multi-antenna Spectrum Sensing: From GLRTs to LMPITs
MS defense: DNSSEC and PKI
4pm 6/19: Colin Roby will defend his MS thesis on An Operational Study of DNSSEC and its Practical Application in Establishing a Secure PKI framework
Baltimore Hackathon: meet people, build stuff, have fun
The Second Baltimore Hackathon will be held this weekend, starting at 6:00pm Friday June 8 and ending at 6:00pm Sunday.
Yasaman Haghpanah (CS, Ph.D. '12) wins Dissertation Fellowship
Congratulations to Computer Science Ph.D. student Yasaman Haghpanah, who will be receiving one of three prestigious Dissertation Fellowships from UMBC’s Graduate School to help complete her Ph.D. dissertation this summer. Originally from Iran, Yasaman began her Ph.D. studies at UMBC in Spring 2009. Her dissertation, entitled “A novel trust and reputation mechanism through behavioral modeling…