Category: Graduate
MS defense: Modeling Individual Nodes in Dynamic Link Prediction
2pm 4/25: Maksym Morawski will defend his MS thesis, Modeling Individual Nodes in Dynamic Link Prediction, at 2:00pm on Thursday, April 25 2013 in room 325b of the ITE building at UMBC.
MS Defense: Text and Ontology Driven Clinical Decision Support System
9am 4/23: Deepal Dhariwal will defend her MS thesis, Text and Ontology Driven Clinical Decision Support System, at 9:00am on Tuesday, April 23, 2013 in room 325b of the ITE building at UMBC.
UMBC Cybersecurity MPS program now in Shady Grove
UMBC has expanded its Cybersecurity MPS program to the Shady Grove facility in Montgomery County, MD.
PhD defense: Analysis of brain network connectivity using spatial information
1pm 4/18: Sai Ma will defend her Ph.D. dissertation, Analysis of brain network connectivity using spatial information, at 1:00pm on Thursday, 18 April 2013, in room 325b of the ITE building at UMBC.
PhD defense: Data-driven group analysis of complex-valued fMRI data
11am 4/16: Pedro A. Rodriguez will defend his Ph.D. dissertation, Data-driven group analysis of complex-valued fMRI data, at 11:00am on Tuesday, 16 April 2013, in room 346 of the ITE building at UMBC
PhD defense: Independent Vector Analysis: Theory, Algorithms and Applications, 4/17
1:45 4/17: Matthew Anderson will defend his Ph.D. dissertation on Independent Vector Analysis: Theory, Algorithms and Applications at 1:45 on Wednesday, April 17, 2013 in room 325b of the ITE building at UMBC.
PhD defense: Digital Forensics for Infrastructure-as-a-Service Cloud Computing
10am 4/16 Josiah Dykstra will defend his Ph.D. dissertation, Digital Forensics for Infrastructure-as-a-Service Cloud Computing, at 10:00am on Tuesday April 16, 2013 in room 325b of the ITE building at UMBC.
IEEE Student Branch Executive Board Elections 4/19
The elections for both the IEEE Undergraduate Student Branch and IEEE Graduate Student Branch Executive Boards have been scheduled for Friday, April 19th, 4.00pm to 5.00pm, room TBA. This is our regular meeting time. Below you will find more information on the election process, including the procedure to run for an Officer position. IEEE Undergraduate…
Summer Trusted Infrastructure Workshop for graduate students
The Fourth Trusted Infrastructure Workshop (TIW 2013) will be held at Penn State University in University Park, PA from Sunday afternoon, June 2 to Thursday, June 6. TIW 2013 is a free premier educational meeting for graduate students with a focus on computer systems security research and research that builds on trusted computing foundations. TIW…
Digital Societies and Social Technologies Summer Institute, UMCP
Doctoral students, postdocs and established researchers working in the intersection of technology and social systems might consider applying to the 2013 Digital Societies and Social Technologies Summer Institute, 7/28 to 8/1 at the University of Maryland College Park. "MOOCs, Education and learning; personal health and well-being; open innovation, eScience, and citizen science; co-production, open source,…