Category: Graduate
MS defense: Multicast Routing with Byzantine Robustness, D. Mukherjee, 2:30 7/23
<b>7/23</b>: Debdatta Mukherjee will befend his MS thesis, Multicast Routing with Byzantine Robustness, at 2:30pm on Tuesday, July 23, 2013 in room 346 of the ITE building at UMBC.
MS defense: linked data for cybersecurity, Arnav Joshi, 9am 7/22
Arnav Joshi will defnd his MS thesis, Linked Data for Cybersecurity Vulnerability Descriptions, at 9:00am on Monday, July 22 2013, in room 325b of the ITE building at UMBC.
CYBR student places 3rd in Microsoft Cybersecurity Essay Contest
First-year Cybersecurity MPS student Andrew Shiffer placed third in Microsoft's "Cybersecurity 2020" student essay contest. The contest allows Microsoft to solicit original research about cybersecurity policy challenges from university students at any stage in their educational careers. Andrew's paper is entitled "A Cybersecurity Triumvirate: Policies, Outcomes, and Emerging Trends." Andrew will receive $2,000 prize (which…
PhD defense: On Prediction and Estimation for Datastreams Utilizing Sparsity and Structure, 6/6
Shiming Yang will defend his Ph.D. dissertation, On Prediction and Estimation for Datastreams Utilizing Sparsity and Structure, at 10:30am on Thursday, June 6, 2013 in room 325B of the ITE building at UMBC.
Phd Defense: Dingkai Guo, Mid-Infrared Photonic Integration 6/4
6/4: Dingkai Guo will defend his Ph.D. dissertation, Mid-Infrared Photonic Integration, at 10:00am on Tuesday June 4, 2013 in the CASPR conference room of the TRC building.
MS defense: A Multilayer Framework to Catch Data Exfiltration
6/5: Puneet Sharma will defend his MS thesis, A Multilayer Framework to Catch Data Exfiltration, at 10:30am on Wednesday, June 5, 2013 in room 325b in the ITE building at UMBC.
PhD proposal: Yu Wang, Solving the Physically-Based Modeling and Animation Problem with a Unified Solution
Yu Wang will present her Ph.D. dissertation proposal, he Modeling Equation: Solving the Physically-Based, at 11:00am on Monday, June 3, 2013 in the VANGOGH Lab in room 352 of the ITE building at UMBC.
PhD proposal: A Semantic Resolution Framework for Manufacturing Capability Data Integration
5/14: Yan Kang will presenty his Ph.D. dissertation proposal, A Semantic Resolution Framework for Manufacturing Capability Data Integration, at 10:30am on Tuesday, May 14, 2013 in room 346 ITE at UMBC.
UMBC's 2013 summer cybersecurity courses
The UMBC Cybersecurity Masters in Professional Studies (MPS) program will offer the following courses over the Summer 2013 session: CYBR 620: Introduction to Cybersecurity CYBR 621: Cyber Warfare CYBR 691: Special Topics in Cybersecurity: Application Security Principles/Practices Each class will meet one or two days a week in the late afternoon or evening, depending on…
Omar Shehab (CS Ph.D) awarded NSF travel grants for upcoming conferences
Congratulations to Omar Shehab (CS Ph.D.), who has been awarded two NSF travel grants to attend research conferences this June. First, Omar has received an NSF travel grant to attend the IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity. The conference celebrates research in all areas of computation complexity theory, taking a look at the absolute and relative…