Category: fyi

  • Today is the 66th anniversary of the first computer bug

    Sixty-six years ago today (on 1947-09-09) operators of the Mark II Aiken Relay Computer being tested at Harvard found a dead moth trapped between points of Relay #70 in Panel F. Dr. Grace Hopper made an entry in the Mark II log book and identified it as the "first actual case of bug being found".…

  • MS Defense: Text and Ontology Driven Clinical Decision Support System

    9am 4/23: Deepal Dhariwal will defend her MS thesis, Text and Ontology Driven Clinical Decision Support System, at 9:00am on Tuesday, April 23, 2013 in room 325b of the ITE building at UMBC.

  • Summer Trusted Infrastructure Workshop for graduate students

    The Fourth Trusted Infrastructure Workshop (TIW 2013) will be held at Penn State University in University Park, PA from Sunday afternoon, June 2 to Thursday, June 6. TIW 2013 is a free premier educational meeting for graduate students with a focus on computer systems security research and research that builds on trusted computing foundations. TIW…

  • First Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering goes to Internet pioneers

    The first Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering was awarded to five people who made major contributions to the development of the internet and the WWW: Louis Pouzin, Robert Kahn, Vinton Cerf, Tim Berners-Lee and Marc Andreesen each played a significant part in the development of the technology. The UK government initiated the QE Prize as…

  • Digital Societies and Social Technologies Summer Institute, UMCP

    Doctoral students, postdocs and established researchers working in the intersection of technology and social systems might consider applying to the 2013 Digital Societies and Social Technologies Summer Institute, 7/28 to 8/1 at the University of Maryland College Park. "MOOCs, Education and learning; personal health and well-being; open innovation, eScience, and citizen science; co-production, open source,…

  • JOBS: Summer research internships in AI and ML at Bryn Mawr College

    UMBC alumnus Professor Eric Eaton (BS '03, PhD '09) has positions for undergraduate and graduate summer research internships in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at Bryn Mawr College in suburban Philadelphia. Apply by March 1, 2013 for full consideration. Spend ten weeks of your summer working on exciting projects in artificial intelligence and machine learning at…

  • JOBS: Summer internships at White House OSTP

    The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) is currently accepting applications for its Summer 2013 Student Volunteer Program. Serving as an OSTP Student Volunteer provides a unique opportunity to work closely with senior White House officials and science and technology policy analysts in OSTP's topic-based divisions (Division internship), or on OSTP's legal…

  • DoD plans five-fold increase in cybersecurity command

    Both the Washington Post and New York Times report that the Pentagon has approved a five-fold expansion of the US DoD Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) over the next several years to enhance its ability to defend critical computer systems and conduct offensive computer operations against foreign adversaries. The expansion is in response to concerns about threats…

  • Apply today for CRA-W Graduate Cohort Workshop

    It’s not too late to apply for the 2013 CRA-W Graduate Cohort Workshop scheduled for April 5-6, 2013 in Boston, MA. This event brings together women graduate students in their first three years of graduate school for a series of presentations and panels with successful senior women researchers from academic, industrial, and government laboratories about…

  • JOB: Intern positions at Qualcomm Research, San Diego

    Qualcomm's Research & Development team in San Diego has a number of cutting edge projects lined up for next summer and will hire 20+ interns on their team during Summer 2013. The opportunities below are just a section. See the complete list here. Intern Context Analysis and Reasoning (Qualcomm Research San Diego) QUALCOMM Research is…