Category: Faculty and staff

  • Dr.desJardins and Dr. Rheingans in USA Today College on the importance of understanding how computers work

    Should an introductory Computer Science course fall within the cadre of General Education Requirements (GEP)—like Math, Science, and English—that are required of all undergrads? According to a USA Today College article, the answer is yes. In the article, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering professors Marie desJardins and Penny Rheingans talk about the importance of having,…

  • CSEE Lecturer Susan Mitchell successfully defends Ph.D. dissertation

    Congratulations to CSEE lecturer Susan Mitchell who, on April 6, 2012, successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation entitled “Software Process Improvement through the Removal of Project-level Knowledge Flow Obstacles: The Perceptions of Software Engineers.” Eight years ago, Dr. Mitchell began working toward her Ph.D. in Software Engineering through UMBC’s Information Systems Department. Working as a lecturer…

  • Dr. Tim Oates Promoted to Full Professor

    The Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department wishes to extend its congratulations to Dr. Tim Oates for his promotion from associate professor to full professor. In 2001, after receiving his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, Dr. Oates began teaching at UMBC. His course repertoire includes Introduction to Machine Learning, Discrete…

  • UMBC chess team ties for second place at 2012 President's Cup

    UMBC’s legendary chess team tied for second place last Sunday in the 2012 President’s Cup in Herndon, Virginia. UMBC tied with the University of Texas-Dallas with a final score of 7.5 points. Both schools were bypassed for first place by Texas Tech University with a mere ½ point lead. Started by CSEE professor Dr. Alan…

  • CSEE Professor Dr. Penny Rheingans receives USM Regents Faculty Award for Mentoring

    Dr. Rheingans has been the Director of UMBC’s Center for Women in Technology (CWIT) since the summer of 2009. Since then, she has mentored over a hundred students within the CWIT and SITE scholarship programs. Congratulations to Dr. Penny Rheingans, the recipient of one of this year’s University System of Maryland (USM) Regents’ Faculty Awards…

  • Dr. desJardins competes in American Crossword Puzzle Tournament

    Congratulations to Dr. Marie desJardins, who placed 44th out of 593 competitors in the American Crossword Puzzle Tournament in Brooklyn, New York last weekend. The tournament—directed by New York Times Crossword Puzzle Editor Will Shortz—is the nation’s oldest and largest crossword competition. Competitors are judged based on their accuracy and speed while solving eight original…

  • Dr. Hillol Kargupta to speak at VERGE

    Dr. Hillol Kargupta will be one of over 80 speakers at GreenBiz's VERGE conference in Washinton D.C., which takes place this Wednesay, March 14–16. The conference foucses on sustainability by exploring technological advances that deal with energy, information, buildings, and transportation. Speakers include the likes of AOL Co-founder, Steve Case, Robin Chase, founder of carsharing…

  • New T-SITE scholarship program targets tech transfer students

    Next fall, a new scholarship program geared toward transfer students majoring in technology fields will offer ten students the support—both financial and otherwise—that they need. It’s called T-SITE (Transfer-Scholarships in Information Technology and Engineering), and similar to the previous SITE (Scholars in Information Technology and Engineering) program, is supported by an NSF S-STEM grant. The…

  • Professor desJardins attends Grace Hopper and Frontiers of Engineering Education Conferences

    Dr. Marie desJardins had the opportunity to attend two invitation-only professional development events in November 2011. The Senior Women's Summit at the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing in Portland, Oregon, brought together senior women who are leaders in their fields in academia, industry, and research labs. The event featured a panel on career…